
A comprehensive survey on deep graph representation learning methods. (English) Zbl 07781075

Summary: There has been a lot of activity in graph representation learning in recent years. Graph representation learning aims to produce graph representation vectors to represent the structure and characteristics of huge graphs precisely. This is crucial since the effectiveness of the graph representation vectors will influence how well they perform in subsequent tasks like anomaly detection, connection prediction, and node classification. Recently, there has been an increase in the use of other deep-learning breakthroughs for data-based graph problems. Graph-based learning environments have a taxonomy of approaches, and this study reviews all their learning settings. The learning problem is theoretically and empirically explored. This study briefly introduces and summarizes the Graph Neural Architecture Search (G-NAS), outlines several Graph Neural Networks’ drawbacks, and suggests some strategies to mitigate these challenges. Lastly, the study discusses several potential future study avenues yet to be explored.


68T07 Artificial neural networks and deep learning
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