

swMATH ID: 40504
Software Authors: Agrawal, Akshay; Ali, Alnur; Boyd, Stephen
Description: PyMDE: Minimum-Distortion Embedding. PyMDE is a Python library for computing vector embeddings of items, such as images, biological cells, nodes in a network, or any other type of abstract object. The embeddings are designed to minimally distort relationships between pairs of items, while possibly satisfying some constraints. For more background about the methods that PyMDE uses, please see our monograph Minimum-Distortion Embedding, which introduces a simple but general framework for embedding.
Homepage: https://pymde.org
Source Code:  https://github.com/cvxgrp/pymde
Dependencies: Python
Related Software: Graph-Bert; ASAP; CoDEx; GraphNAS; Cluster-GCN; GNNAutoScale; LINE; Walklets; GCC; GraphIE; Sub2vec; MixMatch; DeepWalk; CayleyNets; FastGCN; PairNorm; AutoNE; GraphSAINT; PTE; RotatE
Cited in: 2 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
Minimum-distortion embedding. Zbl 1524.68256
Agrawal, Akshay; Ali, Alnur; Boyd, Stephen

Citations by Year