
Relaxed \(\mu\)-quasimonotone variational inequalities in Hadamard manifolds. (English) Zbl 1426.49009

Summary: In this article, we introduce relaxed \(\mu\)-quasimonotone set-valued vector fields on Hadamard manifolds and prove the existence of solutions of the Stampacchia variational inequality for such mappings. We also present the notion of relaxed \(\mu\)-quasiconvexity and show that the Upper Dini and Clarke-Rockafellar subdifferentials of a relaxed \(\mu\)-quasiconvex function is relaxed \(\mu\)-quasimonotone. Under relaxed \(\mu\)-quasiconvexity in the nondifferentiable sense, we establish the connection between the Stampacchia variational inequality problem and a nonsmooth constrained optimization problem.


49J40 Variational inequalities
58E35 Variational inequalities (global problems) in infinite-dimensional spaces
47H04 Set-valued operators
49J52 Nonsmooth analysis
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