
Self-duality and scattering map for the hyperbolic van Diejen systems with two coupling parameters (with an Appendix by S. Ruijsenaars). (English) Zbl 1422.70008

Summary: In this paper, we construct global action-angle variables for a certain two-parameter family of hyperbolic van Diejen systems. Following Ruijsenaars’ ideas on the translation invariant models, the proposed action-angle variables come from a thorough analysis of the commutation relation obeyed by the Lax matrix, whereas the proof of their canonicity is based on the study of the scattering theory. As a consequence, we show that the van Diejen system of our interest is self-dual with a factorized scattering map. Also, in an appendix by S. Ruijsenaars, a novel proof of the spectral asymptotics of certain exponential type matrix flows is presented. This result is of crucial importance in our scattering-theoretical analysis.


70G65 Symmetries, Lie group and Lie algebra methods for problems in mechanics
70E55 Dynamics of multibody systems
70H06 Completely integrable systems and methods of integration for problems in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics
17B80 Applications of Lie algebras and superalgebras to integrable systems


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