
Chiral magnetic waves in strongly coupled Weyl semimetals. (English) Zbl 07862123

Summary: Propagating chiral magnetic waves (CMW) are expected to exist in chiral plasmas due to the interplay between the chiral magnetic and chiral separation effects induced by the presence of a chiral anomaly. Unfortunately, it was pointed out that, because of the effects of electric conductivity and dissipation, CMW are overdamped and therefore their signatures are unlikely to be seen in heavy-ion collision experiments and in the quark gluon plasma. Nonetheless, the chiral anomaly plays a fundamental role in Weyl semimetals and their anomalous transport properties as well. Hence, CMW could be potentially observed in topological semimetals using table-top experiments. By using a holographic model for strongly coupled Weyl semimetals, we investigate in detail the nature of CMW in presence of Coulomb interactions and axial charge relaxation and estimate whether, and in which regimes, CMW could be observed as underdamped collective excitations in topological materials.


81-XX Quantum theory


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