
Mini-workshop: Bridging number theory and Nichols algebras via deformations. Abstracts from the mini-workshop held January 28 – February 2, 2024. (English) Zbl 07921239

Summary: Nichols algebras are graded Hopf algebra objects in braided tensor categories. They appeared first in a paper by Nichols in 1978 in the search for new examples of Hopf algebras. Rediscovered later several times, they also provide a conceptual explanation of the construction of quantum groups. The aim of the workshop is to review recent developments in the field, initiate collaborations, and discuss new approaches to open problems.


16-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to associative rings and algebras
00B05 Collections of abstracts of lectures
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
16G30 Representations of orders, lattices, algebras over commutative rings
16T05 Hopf algebras and their applications
11G20 Curves over finite and local fields
20F36 Braid groups; Artin groups
55R80 Discriminantal varieties and configuration spaces in algebraic topology


[1] N. Andruskiewitsch, On infinite-dimensional Hopf algebras. arXiv:2308.13120.
[2] N. Andruskiewitsch, I. Angiono, J. Pevtsova, S. Witherspoon. Cohomology rings of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras over abelian groups. Res. Math. Sci. 9:12 (2022). · Zbl 1510.16005
[3] N. Andruskiewitsch, F. Fantino, M. Graña, L. Vendramin, Finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras with alternating groups are trivial, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. 190, 225-245 (2011). · Zbl 1234.16019
[4] N. Andruskiewitsch, M. Graña, From racks to pointed Hopf algebras, Adv. Math. 178, 177-243 (2003). · Zbl 1032.16028
[5] N. Andruskiewitsch and H.-J. Schneider. Finite quantum groups and Cartan matrices, Adv. Math. 154, 1-45 (2000). · Zbl 1007.16027
[6] N. Andruskiewitsch, H.-J. Schneider, On the classification of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras, Ann. Math. 171, 375-417 (2010). · Zbl 1208.16028
[7] I. Angiono, On Nichols algebras of diagonal type. J. Reine Angew. Math. 683, 189-251 (2013). · Zbl 1331.16023
[8] I. Angiono and A. García Iglesias. Liftings of Nichols algebras of diagonal type II: all liftings are cocycle deformations. Selecta Math. (N.S.) 25 (2019), Paper No. 5, 95 pp. · Zbl 1406.16031
[9] I. Heckenberger, E. Meir, and L. Vendramin, Simple Yetter-Drinfeld Modules Over Groups With Prime Dimension and a Finite-Dimensional Nichols Algebra, arXiv:2306.02989.
[10] I. Heckenberger and H.-J. Schneider, Hopf algebras and root systems. Providence, RI: Amer. Math. Soc. (AMS) (2020). · Zbl 1473.16026
[11] D. Joyce, Simple quandles. J. Algebra 79, 307-318 (1982). · Zbl 0514.20018
[12] K. Karai. In what sense is the classification of all finite groups “impossible”?, https://mathoverflow.net/q/180355
[13] E. Meir Geometric perspective on Nichols algebras, J. Algebra 601, 390-422 (2022). · Zbl 1502.16035
[14] V V. Sergejchuk. On the classification of metabelian p-groups (Russian), in Matrix prob-lems, Inst. Mat. Ukrain. Akad. Nauk. (Kiev), 150-161 (1977). References · Zbl 0444.20018
[15] N. Andruskiewitsch. An Introduction to Nichols Algebras. In Quantization, Geometry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics. A. Cardona, P. Morales, H. Ocampo, S. Paycha, A. Reyes, eds., pp. 135-195, Springer (2017). · Zbl 1383.81112
[16] N. Andruskiewitsch, I. Angiono, I. Heckenberger. On finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras over abelian groups. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. Volume 271, Number 1329 (2021). · Zbl 1507.16002
[17] N. Andruskiewitsch, I. Angiono, I. Heckenberger. On finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras of diagonal type. Contemp. Math. 728 1-23 (2019). · Zbl 1446.17025
[18] N. Andruskiewitsch, I. Angiono, M. Moya Giusti, Rank 4 Nichols algebras of pale braidings. SIGMA 19 (2023), 021, 41 pages. · Zbl 07707703
[19] N. Andruskiewitsch, G. Sanmarco, Finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of quantum linear spaces and of Cartan type. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B 8, 296-329 (2021). · Zbl 1484.16041
[20] N. Andruskiewitsch, H.-J. Schneider, Pointed Hopf algebras, New directions in Hopf alge-bras, MSRI series Cambridge Univ. Press; 1-68 (2002). · Zbl 1011.16025
[21] I. Angiono, E. Campagnolo, G. Sanmarco. Finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of super and standard type. J. Pure Appl. Alg., to appear. · Zbl 07740048
[22] I. Angiono, E. Campagnolo, G. Sanmarco. Finite GK-dimensional pre-Nichols algebras of (super)modular and unidentified type. J. Noncommut. Geom. 17 (2023), 499-525. · Zbl 1528.16030
[23] I. Angiono, A. García Iglesias. Finite GK-dimensional Nichols algebras of diagonal type and finite root systems, arXiv:2212.08169.
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[25] I. Heckenberger. Classification of arithmetic root systems. Adv. Math. 220 59-124 (2009). · Zbl 1176.17011
[26] I. Heckenberger, H. Yamane. A generalization of Coxeter groups, root systems, and Mat-sumoto’s theorem. Math. Z. 259 255-276 (2008). · Zbl 1198.20036
[27] V. Kharchenko, A quantum analog of the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem, Algebra and Logic 38, (1999), 259-276. References · Zbl 0936.16034
[28] M. Bhargava. Higher composition laws. III. The parametrization of quartic rings. Ann. of Math. (2), 159(3):1329-1360, 2004. · Zbl 1169.11045
[29] M. Bhargava. Higher composition laws. IV. The parametrization of quintic rings. Ann. of Math. (2), 167(1):53-94, 2008. · Zbl 1173.11058
[30] K. Chang. Hurwitz spaces, Nichols algebras, and Igusa zeta functions. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.10446, 2023.
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[32] M. Kapranov and V. Schechtman. Shuffle algebras and perverse sheaves. Pure Appl. Math. Q., 16(3):573-657, 2020. · Zbl 1464.14022
[33] A. Landesman, R. Vakil, and M. Wood. Low degree Hurwitz stacks in the Grothendieck ring. arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.01840, 2022.
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[37] A. Milinski, H.-J. Schneider, Pointed Indecomposable Hopf Algebras over Coxeter Groups, Contemp. Math. 267, (2000), 215-236. · Zbl 1093.16504
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[41] Jürgen Fuchs, Gregor Schaumann, Christoph Schweigert, and Simon Wood. Grothendieck-verdier duality in categories of bimodules and weak module functors, 2023.
[42] Sebastian Halbig and Tony Zorman. Duality in Monoidal Categories. arXiv e-prints, 2024.
[43] Harald Lindner. A remark on Mackey-functors. Manuscr. Math., 18:273-278, 1976. · Zbl 0321.18002
[44] Lukas Müller and Lukas Woike. The distinguished invertible object as ribbon dualizing object in the Drinfeld center. arXiv e-prints, 2023.
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[46] S. Lentner: New large-rank Nichols algebras over nonabelian groups with commutator subgroup Z 2 , Journal of Algebra 419 (2014). · Zbl 1306.16029
[47] I. Heckenberger, L. Vendramin: A classification of Nichols algebras of semi-simple Yetter-Drinfeld modules over non-abelian groups, J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 19 (2017), no. 2, 299-356. · Zbl 1396.16025
[48] N. Andruskiewitsch, I. Heckenberger, H.-J. Schneider: The Nichols algebra of a semisimple Yetter-Drinfeld module. American Journal of Mathematics 132 (2008).
[49] I. Angiono, S. Lentner, G. Sanmarco: Pointed Hopf algebras over nonabelian groups with nonsimple standard braidings (2023), Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 127(9). · Zbl 1540.16025
[50] T. Creutzig, S. Lentner, M. Rupert: An algebraic theory for logarithmic Kazhdan-Lusztig correspondences, Preprint (2023), arXiv:2306.11492.
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[53] J. Cuadra and E. Meir, On the existence of orders in semisimple Hopf algebras. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 368 (2016), no. 4, 2547-2562. · Zbl 1342.16026
[54] J. Cuadra and E. Meir, Non-existence of Hopf orders for a twist of the alternating and symmetric groups. J. London Math. Soc. (2) 100 (2019), no. 1, 137-158. · Zbl 1490.16075
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