
Effects of electrostatic interaction on clustering and collision of bidispersed inertial particles in homogeneous and isotropic turbulence. (English) Zbl 1531.76045

Summary: In sandstorms and thunderclouds, turbulence-induced collisions between solid particles and ice crystals lead to inevitable triboelectrification. The charge segregation is usually size dependent, with small particles charged negatively and large particles charged positively. In this work, we perform numerical simulations to study the influence of charge segregation on the dynamics of bidispersed inertial particles in turbulence. Direct numerical simulations of homogeneous isotropic turbulence are performed with the Taylor Reynolds number \(Re_\lambda = 147.5\), while particles are subjected to both electrostatic interactions and fluid drag, with Stokes numbers of 1 and 10 for small and large particles, respectively. Coulomb repulsion/attraction is shown to effectively inhibit/enhance particle clustering within a short range. Besides, the mean relative velocity between same-size particles is found to rise as the particle charge increases because of the exclusion of low-velocity pairs, while the relative velocity between different-size particles is almost unaffected, emphasizing the dominant roles of differential inertia. The mean Coulomb-turbulence parameter, \(Ct_0\), is then defined to characterize the competition between the Coulomb potential energy and the mean relative kinetic energy. In addition, a model is proposed to quantify the rate at which charged particles approach each other and to capture the transition of the particle relative motion from the turbulence-dominated regime to the electrostatic-dominated regime. Finally, the probability distribution function of the approach rate between particle pairs is examined, and its dependence on the Coulomb force is further discussed using the extended Coulomb-turbulence parameter.


76F05 Isotropic turbulence; homogeneous turbulence
76F25 Turbulent transport, mixing


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