
Introduction to focus issue: in memory of Vadim S. Anishchenko: statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics of complex systems. (English) Zbl 07867637


00Bxx Conference proceedings and collections of articles
01A70 Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies
34Cxx Qualitative theory for ordinary differential equations
34Dxx Stability theory for ordinary differential equations
37Dxx Dynamical systems with hyperbolic behavior

Biographic References:

Anishchenko, V. S.
Full Text: DOI


[1] Anishchenko, V. S.; Astakhov, V. V., Experimental study of the emergence mechanism and structure of a chaotic attractor in an oscillator with inertial nonlinearity, J. Tech. Phys., 53, 1, 152, 1983
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[10] Semenova, N.; Zakharova, A.; Schöll, E.; Anishchenko, V. S., Does hyperbolicity impede emergence of chimera states in networks of nonlocally coupled chaotic oscillators?, Europhys. Lett., 112, 40002, 2015 · doi:10.1209/0295-5075/112/40002
[11] Bogomolov, S. A.; Slepnev, A. V.; Strelkova, G. I.; Schöll, E.; Anishchenko, V. S., Mechanisms of appearance of amplitude and phase chimera states in ensembles of nonlocally coupled chaotic systems, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat., 43, 25, 2017 · Zbl 1471.37040 · doi:10.1016/j.cnsns.2016.06.024
[12] Vadivasova, T. E.; Strelkova, G. I.; Bogomolov, S. A.; Anishchenko, V. S., Correlation analysis of the coherence-incoherence transition in a ring of nonlocally coupled logistic maps, Chaos, 26, 093108, 2016 · doi:10.1063/1.4962647
[13] Semenova, N. I.; Zakharova, A.; Anishchenko, V.; Schöll, E., Coherence-resonance chimeras in a network of excitable elements, Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 01410, 2016 · doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.014102
[14] Zakharova, A.; Semenova, N.; Anishchenko, V. S.; Schöll, E., Time-delayed feedback control of coherence resonance chimeras, Chaos, 27, 114320, 2017 · Zbl 1390.34163 · doi:10.1063/1.5008385
[15] Rybalova, E. V.; Strelkova, G. I.; Anishchenko, V. S., Mechanism of realizing a solitary state chimera in a ring of nonlocally coupled chaotic maps, Chaos, Solitons Fractals, 115, 300, 2018 · Zbl 1416.39010 · doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2018.09.003
[16] Strelkova, G. I.; Vadivasova, T. E.; Anishchenko, V. S., Synchronization of chimera states in a network of many unidirectionally coupled layers of discrete maps, Regular Chaotic Dyn., 23, 948, 2018 · Zbl 1411.90070 · doi:10.1134/S1560354718070092
[17] Rybalova, E. V.; Vadivasova, T. E.; Strelkova, G. I.; Anishchenko, V. S.; Zakharova, A. S., Forced synchronization of a multilayer heterogeneous network of chaotic maps in the chimera state mode, Chaos, 29, 033134, 2019 · Zbl 1411.34068 · doi:10.1063/1.5090184
[18] Bukh, A. V.; Schöll, E.; Anishchenko, V. S., Synchronization of spiral wave patterns in two-layer 2D lattices of nonlocally coupled discrete oscillators, Chaos, 29, 053105, 2019 · Zbl 1415.34126 · doi:10.1063/1.5092352
[19] Winkler, M.; Sawicki, J.; Omelchenko, I.; Zakharova, A.; Anishchenko, V. S.; Schöll, E., Relay synchronization in multiplex networks of discrete maps, Europhys. Lett., 126, 50004, 2019 · doi:10.1209/0295-5075/126/50004
[20] Rybalova, E.; Strelkova, G.; Schöll, E.; Anishchenko, V., Relay and complete synchronization in heterogeneous multiplex network of chaotic maps, Chaos, 30, 061104, 2020 · Zbl 1440.39002 · doi:10.1063/5.0008902
[21] Shepelev, I. A.; Bukh, A. V.; Strelkova, G. I.; Anishchenko, V. S., Anti-phase relay synchronization of wave structures in a heterogeneous multiplex network of 2D lattices, Chaos, Solitons Fractals, 143, 110545, 2021 · Zbl 1498.34107 · doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2020.110545
[22] Anishchenko, V. S.; Astakhov, V. V.; Neiman, A. B.; Vadivasova, T. E.; Schimansky-Geier, L., Nonlinear Dynamics of Chaotic and Stochastic Systems, 2002, Springer: Springer, Berlin · Zbl 1110.37025
[23] Anishchenko, V. S.; Vadivasova, T. E.; Strelkova, G. I., Deterministic Nonlinear Systems. A Short Course, 2014, Springer: Springer, Berlin · Zbl 1317.37001
[24] Gonchenko, A. S.; Gonchenko, S. V.; Turaev, D. V., Doubling of invariant curves and chaos in three-dimensional diffeomorphisms, Chaos, 31, 113130, 2021 · Zbl 07871553 · doi:10.1063/5.0068692
[25] Chigarev, V.; Kazakov, A.; Pikovsky, A., Mutual singularities of overlapping attractor and repeller, Chaos, 31, 083127, 2021 · Zbl 07866685 · doi:10.1063/5.0056891
[26] Janson, N. B.; Marsden, C. J., Optimization with delay-induced bifurcations, Chaos, 31, 113126, 2021 · Zbl 07871549 · doi:10.1063/5.0058087
[27] de Wolff, B.; Schneider, I., Geometric invariance of determining and resonating centers: Odd- and any-number limitations of Pyragas control, Chaos, 31, 063125, 2021 · Zbl 1476.37035 · doi:10.1063/5.0050560
[28] Korneev, I. A.; Slepnev, A. V.; Vadivasova, T. E.; Semenov, V. V., Subcritical Andronov-Hopf scenario for systems with a line of equilibria, Chaos, 31, 073102, 2021 · Zbl 1478.37082 · doi:10.1063/5.0050009
[29] Stankevich, N.; Volkov, E., Chaos-hyperchaos transition in three identical quorum-sensing mean-field coupled ring oscillators, Chaos, 31, 103112, 2021 · Zbl 07867371 · doi:10.1063/5.0056907
[30] Almazova, N.; Barmparis, G. D.; Tsironis, G. P., Analysis of chaotic dynamical systems with autoencoders, Chaos, 31, 103109, 2021 · Zbl 07867368 · doi:10.1063/5.0055673
[31] Astakhov, S. V.; Astakhov, O. V.; Fadeeva, N. S.; Astakhov, V. V., A ring generator of two- and three-frequency quasiperiodic self-oscillations based on the van der Pol oscillator, Chaos, 31, 083108, 2021 · Zbl 07866666 · doi:10.1063/5.0057146
[32] Kruglov, V. P.; Krylosova, D. A.; Sataev, I. R.; Seleznev, E. P.; Stankevich, N. V., Features of a chaotic attractor in a quasiperiodically driven nonlinear oscillator, Chaos, 31, 073118, 2021 · Zbl 1468.34068 · doi:10.1063/5.0055579
[33] Newman, J.; Lucas, M.; Stefanovska, A., Stabilisation of cyclic processes by slowly varying forcing, Chaos, 31, 123129, 2021 · Zbl 07868503 · doi:10.1063/5.0066641
[34] Scully, J. J.; Neiman, A. B.; Shilnikov, A. L., Measuring chaos in the Lorenz and Rössler models: Fidelity tests for reservoir computing, Chaos, 31, 093121, 2021 · Zbl 07866714 · doi:10.1063/5.0065044
[35] Khovanov, I. A., Stochastic approach for assessing the predictability of chaotic time series using reservoir computing, Chaos, 31, 083105, 2021 · Zbl 07866663 · doi:10.1063/5.0058439
[36] Flynn, A.; Herteux, J.; Tsachouridis, V. A.; Räth, C.; Amann, A., Symmetry kills the square in a multifunctional reservoir computer, Chaos, 31, 073122, 2021 · Zbl 1538.68023 · doi:10.1063/5.0055699
[37] Dmitriev, A. S.; Efremova, E. V.; Ryzhov, A. I.; Petrosyan, M. M.; Itskov, V. V., Artificial radio lighting with sources of microwave dynamic chaos, Chaos, 31, 063135, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0053504
[38] Akther, A.; Ushakov, Y.; Balanov, A. G.; Savel’ev, S. E., Deterministic modeling of the diffusive memristor, Chaos, 31, 073111, 2021 · Zbl 1469.94177 · doi:10.1063/5.0056239
[39] Shabunin, A., Selective properties of diffusive couplings and their influence on spatiotemporal chaos, Chaos, 31, 073132, 2021 · Zbl 1468.39003 · doi:10.1063/5.0054510
[40] Feudel, F.; Feudel, U., Bifurcations in rotating spherical shell convection under the influence of differential rotation, Chaos, 31, 113112, 2021 · Zbl 07871535 · doi:10.1063/5.0063113
[41] Zhou, Z.; Ren, H. P.; Grebogi, C., Bi-directional impulse chaos control in crystal growth, Chaos, 31, 053106, 2021 · Zbl 1462.34065 · doi:10.1063/5.0048096
[42] del Rio, E.; Velarde, M. G.; Chetverikov, A. P.; Ebeling, W.; Sergeev, K. S., Intrinsic electronic noise strength significantly alters a period doubling cascade to chaos, Chaos, 31, 113102, 2021 · Zbl 07871525 · doi:10.1063/5.0056180
[43] Bashkirtseva, I.; Ryashko, L., Chaotic transients, riddled basins, and stochastic transitions in coupled periodic logistic maps, Chaos, 31, 053101, 2021 · Zbl 1462.34074 · doi:10.1063/5.0050613
[44] Tsvetkov, I.; Bashkirtseva, I.; Ryashko, L., Stochastic transformations of multi-rhythmic dynamics and order-chaos transitions in a discrete 2D model, Chaos, 31, 063121, 2021 · Zbl 1465.92007 · doi:10.1063/5.0054679
[45] Rajagopal, K.; Jafari, S.; Moroz, I.; Karthikeyan, A.; Srinivasan, A., Noise induced suppression of spiral waves in a hybrid FitzHugh-Nagumo neuron with discontinuous resetting, Chaos, 31, 073117, 2021 · Zbl 1476.34109 · doi:10.1063/5.0059175
[46] Goldobin, D. S., Mean-field models of populations of quadratic integrate-and-fire neurons with noise on the basis of the circular cumulant approach, Chaos, 31, 083112, 2021 · Zbl 07866670 · doi:10.1063/5.0061575
[47] Albanbay, N.; Medetov, B.; Zaks, M. A., Exponential distribution of lifetimes for transient bursting states in coupled noisy excitable systems, Chaos, 31, 093105, 2021 · Zbl 07866698 · doi:10.1063/5.0059102
[48] Klinshov, V. V.; Yu. Kirillov, S.; Nekorkin, V. I.; Wolfrum, M., Noise-induced dynamical regimes in a system of globally coupled excitable units, Chaos, 31, 083103, 2021 · Zbl 07866661 · doi:10.1063/5.0056504
[49] Blyuss, K. B.; Kyrychko, S. N.; Kyrychko, Y. N., Time-delayed and stochastic effects in a predator-prey model with ratio dependence and Holling type III functional response, Chaos, 31, 073141, 2021 · Zbl 1468.92054 · doi:10.1063/5.0055623
[50] Peng, J.; Wang, L.; Wang, B.; Jing, K.; Xu, W., The stochastic bifurcation of the vibro-impact system on the impact surface via a new path integration method, Chaos, 31, 073138, 2021 · Zbl 1472.70046 · doi:10.1063/5.0056928
[51] Smirnov, D., Phase-dynamic causalities within dynamical effects framework, Chaos, 31, 073127, 2021 · Zbl 1478.37084 · doi:10.1063/5.0055586
[52] Ashwin, P.; Bick, C.; Poignard, C., Dead zones and phase reduction of coupled oscillators, Chaos, 31, 093132, 2021 · Zbl 07866725 · doi:10.1063/5.0063423
[53] Hong, H.; Martens, E. A., A two-frequency-two-coupling model of coupled oscillators, Chaos, 31, 083124, 2021 · Zbl 07866682 · doi:10.1063/5.0056844
[54] Ross, A.; Kyrychko, S. N.; Blyuss, K. B.; Kyrychko, Y. N., Dynamics of coupled Kuramoto oscillators with distributed delays, Chaos, 31, 103107, 2021 · Zbl 07867366 · doi:10.1063/5.0055467
[55] Hui, N.; Biswas, D.; Banerjee, T.; Kurths, J., Effects of propagation delay in coupled oscillators under direct-indirect coupling: Theory and experiment, Chaos, 31, 073115, 2021 · Zbl 1468.34044 · doi:10.1063/5.0057311
[56] Bandy, D. K.; Burton, E. K. T.; Hall, J. R.; Chapman, D. M.; Elrod, J. T., Predicting attractor characteristics using Lyapunov exponents in a laser with injected signal, Chaos, 31, 013120, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0018586
[57] Chetverikov, A. P.; Ebeling, W.; Schöll, E.; Velarde, M. G., Control of electron and electron-hole pair dynamics on nonlinear lattice bilayers by strong solitons, Chaos, 31, 083123, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0057084
[58] Moskalenko, O. I.; Koronovskii, A. A.; Selskii, A. O.; Evstifeev, E. V., On multistability near the boundary of generalized synchronization in unidirectionally coupled chaotic systems, Chaos, 31, 083106, 2021 · Zbl 07866664 · doi:10.1063/5.0055302
[59] Berner, R.; Yanchuk, S.; Maistrenko, Y.; Schöll, E., Generalized splay states in phase oscillator networks, Chaos, 31, 073128, 2021 · Zbl 1468.34042 · doi:10.1063/5.0056664
[60] Kasatkin, D. V.; Nekorkin, V. I., Transient circulant clusters in two-population network of Kuramoto oscillators with different rules of coupling adaptation, Chaos, 31, 073112, 2021 · Zbl 1468.34067 · doi:10.1063/5.0055578
[61] Shepelev, I. A.; Muni, S. S.; Schöll, E.; Strelkova, G. I., Repulsive inter-layer coupling induces anti-phase synchronization, Chaos, 31, 063116, 2021 · Zbl 1465.34065 · doi:10.1063/5.0054770
[62] Frolov, N.; Hramov, A., Extreme synchronization events in a Kuramoto model: The interplay between resource constraints and explosive transitions, Chaos, 31, 063103, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0055156
[63] Afifurrahman; Ullner, E.; Politi, A., Collective dynamics in the presence of finite-width pulses, Chaos, 31, 043135, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0046691
[64] Plotnikov, S. A.; Fradkov, A. L., Synchronization of nonlinearly coupled networks based on circle criterion, Chaos, 31, 103110, 2021 · Zbl 07867369 · doi:10.1063/5.0055814
[65] Eser, M. C.; Medeiros, E. S.; Riza, M.; Zakharova, A., Edges of inter-layer synchronization in multilayer networks with time-switching links, Chaos, 31, 103119, 2021 · Zbl 07867378 · doi:10.1063/5.0065310
[66] Shena, J.; Lazarides, N.; Hizanidis, J., Synchronization transitions in a hyperchaotic SQUID trimer, Chaos, 31, 093102, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0058249
[67] Rajagopal, K.; Jafari, S.; Karthikeyan, A.; Srinivasan, A., Effect of magnetic induction on the synchronizability of coupled neuron network, Chaos, 31, 083115, 2021 · Zbl 07866673 · doi:10.1063/5.0061406
[68] Rakshit, S.; Majhi, S.; Kurths, J.; Ghosh, D., Neuronal synchronization in long-range time-varying networks, Chaos, 31, 073129, 2021 · Zbl 1468.92025 · doi:10.1063/5.0057276
[69] Rathore, V.; Kachhvah, A. D.; Jalan, S., Catalytic feed-forward explosive synchronization in multilayer networks, Chaos, 31, 123130, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0060803
[70] Bera, B. K.; Kundu, S.; Muruganandam, P.; Ghosh, D.; Lakshmanan, M., Spiral wave chimera-like transient dynamics in three-dimensional grid of diffusive ecological systems, Chaos, 31, 083125, 2021 · Zbl 07866683 · doi:10.1063/5.0062566
[71] Rajagopal, K.; Ramesh, A.; Moroz, I.; Duraisamy, P.; Karthikeyan, A., Local and network behavior of bistable vibrational energy harvesters considering periodic and quasiperiodic excitations, Chaos, 31, 063111, 2021 · Zbl 1465.74056 · doi:10.1063/5.0054459
[72] Jaros, P.; Levchenko, R.; Kapitaniak, T.; Maistrenko, Y., Chimera states for directed networks, Chaos, 31, 103111, 2021 · Zbl 07867370 · doi:10.1063/5.0059765
[73] Andrzejak, R. G., Chimeras confined by fractal boundaries in the complex plane, Chaos, 31, 053104, 2021 · Zbl 1462.37048 · doi:10.1063/5.0049631
[74] Shepelev, I. A.; Muni, S. S.; Vadivasova, T. E., Spatiotemporal patterns in a 2D lattice with linear repulsive and nonlinear attractive coupling, Chaos, 31, 043136, 2021 · Zbl 1460.94092 · doi:10.1063/5.0048324
[75] Tsigkri-DeSmedt, N. D.; Sarlis, N. V.; Provata, A., Shooting solitaries due to small-world connectivity in leaky integrate-and-fire networks, Chaos, 31, 083129, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0055163
[76] Sawicki, J.; Koulen, J. M.; Schöll, E., Synchronization scenarios in three-layer networks with a hub, Chaos, 31, 073131, 2021 · Zbl 1468.92026 · doi:10.1063/5.0055835
[77] Barabash, N. V.; Belykh, V. N.; Osipov, G. V.; Belykh, I. V., Partial synchronization in the second-order Kuramoto model: An auxiliary system method, Chaos, 31, 113113, 2021 · Zbl 07871536 · doi:10.1063/5.0066663
[78] Sysoev, I. V.; Bezruchko, B. P., Noise robust approach to reconstruction of van der Pol-like oscillators and its application to Granger causality, Chaos, 31, 083118, 2021 · Zbl 07866676 · doi:10.1063/5.0056901
[79] Ponomarenko, V. I.; Karavaev, A. S.; Borovkova, E. I.; Hramkov, A. N.; Kiselev, A. R.; Prokhorov, M. D.; Penzel, T., Decrease of coherence between the respiration and parasympathetic control of the heart rate with aging, Chaos, 31, 073105, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0056624
[80] Pavlov, A. N.; Pavlova, O. N.; Semyachkina-Glushkovskaya, O. V.; Kurths, J., Enhanced multiresolution wavelet analysis of complex dynamics in nonlinear systems, Chaos, 31, 043110, 2021 · Zbl 1464.94014 · doi:10.1063/5.0045859
[81] Fernandes, L.; Carvalho, S.; Carneiro, I.; Henrique, R.; Tuchin, V. V.; Oliveira, H. P.; Oliveira, L. M., Diffuse reflectance and machine learning techniques to differentiate colorectal cancer ex vivo, Chaos, 31, 053118, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0052088
[82] Lainscsek, C.; Cash, S. S.; Sejnowski, T. J.; Kurths, J., Dynamical ergodicity DDA reveals causal structure in time series, Chaos, 31, 103108, 2021 · Zbl 07867367 · doi:10.1063/5.0063724
[83] Runnova, A.; Selskii, A.; Emelyanova, E.; Zhuravlev, M.; Popova, M.; Kiselev, A.; Shamionov, R., Modification of joint recurrence quantification analysis (JRQA) for assessing individual characteristics from short EEG time series, Chaos, 31, 093116, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0055550
[84] Sergeev, K.; Runnova, A.; Zhuravlev, M.; Kolokolov, O.; Akimova, N.; Kiselev, A.; Titova, A.; Slepnev, A.; Semenova, N.; Penzel, T., Wavelet skeletons in sleep EEG-monitoring as biomarkers of early diagnostics of mild cognitive impairment, Chaos, 31, 073110, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0055441
[85] Semenova, N.; Tuchin, V. V., 3D models of the dynamics of cancer cells under external pressure, Chaos, 31, 083122, 2021 · Zbl 07866680 · doi:10.1063/5.0056764
[86] Bahramian, A.; Parastesh, F.; Pham, V.-T.; Kapitaniak, T.; Jafari, S.; Perc, M., Collective behavior in a two-layer neuronal network with time-varying chemical connections that are controlled by a Petri net, Chaos, 31, 033138, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0045840
[87] Makovkin, S.; Laptyeva, T.; Jalan, S.; Ivanchenko, M., Synchronization in multiplex models of neuron-glial systems: Small-world topology and inhibitory coupling, Chaos, 31, 113111, 2021 · Zbl 07871534 · doi:10.1063/5.0069357
[88] Pattanayak, D.; Mishra, A.; Dana, S. K.; Bairagi, N., Bistability in a tri-trophic food chain model: Basin stability perspective, Chaos, 31, 073124, 2021 · Zbl 1468.92062 · doi:10.1063/5.0054347
[89] Kundu, S.; Majhi, S.; Ghosh, D., Persistence in multilayer ecological network consisting of harvested patches, Chaos, 31, 033154, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0047221
[90] Galler, M.; Lüdge, K.; Humphries, R.; Mulchrone, K.; Hövel, P., Deterministic and stochastic effects in spreading dynamics: A case study of bovine viral diarrhea, Chaos, 31, 093129, 2021 · Zbl 07866722 · doi:10.1063/5.0058688
[91] Li, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhao, C.; Duan, X., Identification of multiple influential spreaders on networks by percolation under the SIR model, Chaos, 31, 051104, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0052731
[92] Abdelouahab, M. S.; Arama, A.; Lozi, R., Bifurcation analysis of a model of tuberculosis epidemic with treatment of wider population suggesting a possible role in the seasonality of this disease, Chaos, 31, 123125, 2021 · Zbl 07868499 · doi:10.1063/5.0057635
[93] Bertacchini, F.; Pantano, P.; Bilotta, E., SARS-CoV-2 emerging complexity and global dynamics, Chaos, 31, 123110, 2021 · doi:10.1063/5.0062749
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