
The three-dimensional Ising spin glass in an external magnetic field: the role of the silent majority. (English) Zbl 1456.82900

Summary: We perform equilibrium parallel-tempering simulations of the 3D Ising Edwards-Anderson spin glass in a field, using the Janus computer. A traditional analysis shows no signs of a phase transition. However, we encounter dramatic fluctuations in the behaviour of the model: averages over all the data only describe the behaviour of a small fraction of the data. Therefore, we develop a new approach to study the equilibrium behaviour of the system, by classifying the measurements as a function of a conditioning variate. We propose a finite-size scaling analysis based on the probability distribution function of the conditioning variate, which may accelerate the convergence to the thermodynamic limit. In this way, we find a non-trivial spectrum of behaviours, where some of the measurements behave as the average, while the majority show signs of scale invariance. As a result, we can estimate the temperature interval where the phase transition in a field ought to lie, if it exists. Although this would-be critical regime is unreachable with present resources, the numerical challenge is finally well posed.


82D30 Statistical mechanics of random media, disordered materials (including liquid crystals and spin glasses)
82M60 Stochastic analysis in statistical mechanics


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