
On weak ergodicity breaking in mean-field spin glasses. (English) Zbl 07905044

Summary: The weak ergodicity breaking hypothesis postulates that out-of-equilibrium glassy systems lose memory of their initial state despite being unable to reach an equilibrium stationary state. It is a milestone of glass physics, and has provided a lot of insight on the physical properties of glass aging. Despite its undoubted usefulness as a guiding principle, its general validity remains a subject of debate. Here, we present evidence that this hypothesis does not hold for a class of mean-field spin glass models. While most of the qualitative physical picture of aging remains unaffected, our results suggest that some important technical aspects should be revisited.


82Dxx Applications of statistical mechanics to specific types of physical systems
82Cxx Time-dependent statistical mechanics (dynamic and nonequilibrium)
60Kxx Special processes


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