
Sparse semidefinite programs with guaranteed near-linear time complexity via dualized clique tree conversion. (English) Zbl 1470.90070

Summary: Clique tree conversion solves large-scale semidefinite programs by splitting an \(n\times n\) matrix variable into up to \(n\) smaller matrix variables, each representing a principal submatrix of up to \(\omega \times \omega \). Its fundamental weakness is the need to introduce overlap constraints that enforce agreement between different matrix variables, because these can result in dense coupling. In this paper, we show that by dualizing the clique tree conversion, the coupling due to the overlap constraints is guaranteed to be sparse over dense blocks, with a block sparsity pattern that coincides with the adjacency matrix of a tree. We consider two classes of semidefinite programs with favorable sparsity patterns that encompass the MAXCUT and MAX \(k\)-CUT relaxations, the Lovasz Theta problem, and the AC optimal power flow relaxation. Assuming that \(\omega \ll n\), we prove that the per-iteration cost of an interior-point method is \(linear O(n)\) time and memory, so an \(\epsilon \)-accurate and \(\epsilon \)-feasible iterate is obtained after \(O(\sqrt{n}\log (1/\epsilon ))\) iterations in \(near-linear O(n^{1.5}\log (1/\epsilon ))\) time. We confirm our theoretical insights with numerical results on semidefinite programs as large as \(n=13,659\).


90C22 Semidefinite programming
90C35 Programming involving graphs or networks
90C51 Interior-point methods
90C06 Large-scale problems in mathematical programming


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