
Symplectic model reduction of Hamiltonian systems on nonlinear manifolds and approximation with weakly symplectic autoencoder. (English) Zbl 1537.65193

Summary: Classical model reduction techniques project the governing equations onto linear subspaces of the high-dimensional state-space. For problems with slowly decaying Kolmogorov-\(n\)-widths such as certain transport-dominated problems, however, classical linear-subspace reduced-order models (ROMs) of low dimension might yield inaccurate results. Thus, the concept of classical linear-subspace ROMs has to be extended to more general concepts, like model order teduction (MOR) on manifolds. Moreover, as we are dealing with Hamiltonian systems, it is crucial that the underlying symplectic structure is preserved in the reduced model, as otherwise it could become unphysical in the sense that the energy is not conserved or stability properties are lost. To the best of our knowledge, existing literature addresses either MOR on manifolds or symplectic model reduction for Hamiltonian systems, but not their combination. In this work, we bridge the two aforementioned approaches by providing a novel projection technique called symplectic manifold Galerkin (SMG), which projects the Hamiltonian system onto a nonlinear symplectic trial manifold such that the reduced model is again a Hamiltonian system. We derive analytical results such as stability, energy-preservation, and a rigorous a posteriori error bound. Moreover, we construct a weakly symplectic deep convolutional autoencoder as a computationally practical approach to approximate a nonlinear symplectic trial manifold. Finally, we numerically demonstrate the ability of the method to achieve higher accuracy than (non-)structure-preserving linear-subspace ROMs and non-structure-preserving MOR on manifold techniques.


65P10 Numerical methods for Hamiltonian systems including symplectic integrators
34C20 Transformation and reduction of ordinary differential equations and systems, normal forms
37J25 Stability problems for finite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems
37M15 Discretization methods and integrators (symplectic, variational, geometric, etc.) for dynamical systems
37N30 Dynamical systems in numerical analysis


Adam; PyTorch; darch


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