
Parameterized algorithms for power-efficiently connecting wireless sensor networks: theory and experiments. (English) Zbl 1492.90031

Summary: We study a problem of energy-efficiently connecting a symmetric wireless communication network: given an \(n\)-vertex graph with edge weights, find a connected spanning subgraph of minimum cost, where the cost is determined by each vertex paying the heaviest edge incident to it in the subgraph. The problem is known to be NP-hard. Strengthening this hardness result, we show that even \(o(\log n)\)-approximating the difference \(d\) between the optimal solution cost and a natural lower bound is NP-hard. Moreover, we show that under the exponential time hypothesis, there are no exact algorithms running in \(2^{o(n)}\) time or in \(f ( d ) \cdot n^{O ( 1 )}\) time for any computable function \(f\). We also show that the special case of connecting \(c\) network components with minimum additional cost generally cannot be polynomial-time reduced to instances of size \(c^{O(1)}\) unless the polynomial-time hierarchy collapses. On the positive side, we provide an algorithm that reconnects \(O(\log n)\)-connected components with minimum additional cost in polynomial time. These algorithms are motivated by application scenarios of monitoring areas or where an existing sensor network may fall apart into several connected components because of sensor faults. In experiments, the algorithm outperforms CPLEX with known integer linear programming (ILP) formulations when \(n\) is sufficiently large compared with \(c\).
Summary of contribution: Wireless sensor networks are used to monitor air pollution, water pollution, and machine health; in forest fire and landslide detection; and in natural disaster prevention. Sensors in wireless sensor networks are often battery-powered and disposable, so one may be interested in lowering the energy consumption of the sensors in order to achieve a long lifetime of the network. We study the min-power symmetric connectivity problem, which models the task of assigning transmission powers to sensors so as to achieve a connected communication network with minimum total power consumption. The problem is NP-hard. We provide perhaps the first parameterized complexity study of optimal and approximate solutions for the problem. Our algorithms work in polynomial time in the scenario where one has to reconnect a sensor network with \(n\) sensors and \(O(\log n)\)-connected components by means of a minimum transmission power increase or if one can find transmission power lower bounds that already yield a network with \(O(\log n)\)-connected components. In experiments, we show that, in this scenario, our algorithms outperform previously known exact algorithms based on ILP formulations.


90B18 Communication networks in operations research




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