
Arnoldi algorithms with structured orthogonalization. (English) Zbl 1520.65028

The authors present a stability preserved Arnoldi algorithm with the aim of studying large-scale power delivery networks (PDNs), whose time domain simulation is chosen to be solved by semi-explicit differential algebraic equations (DAEs). A matrix exponential based integration method is used since it is not bounded by the Dalquist stability barrier, unlike the traditional linear multistep methods. Solutions \(x(t)\) to PDNs can be expressed as a sum of \(x_{R}(t)\) and \(x_{N}(t)\), one in the range of the system operator and the other in its null space. Then, \(\ x_{R}(t)\) can be computed by a shift-and-invert Krylov subspace method, whereas \(x_{N}(t)\) can be computed by algebraic equations. A complete Arnoldi algorithm with explicit structured orthogonalization and implicit regularization is reported. Convergence analysis is studied in details and error bounds are provided. At last, simulations on RLC networks are provided to enlighten the effectiveness of the presented method.


65F60 Numerical computation of matrix exponential and similar matrix functions
34A09 Implicit ordinary differential equations, differential-algebraic equations
65L80 Numerical methods for differential-algebraic equations


SPICE; mftoolbox


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