
Measure partitions via Fourier analysis. II: Center transversality in the \({{L}^{2}}\)-norm for complex hyperplanes. (English) Zbl 1362.43005

Summary: Applications of harmonic analysis on finite groups were recently introduced to measure partition problems, with a variety of equipartition types by convex fundamental domains obtained as the vanishing of prescribed Fourier transforms. Considering the circle group, we extend this approach to the compact Lie group setting, in which case the annihilation of transforms in the classical Fourier series produces measure transversality similar in spirit to the classical centerpoint theorem of Rado: for any \({q\geq 2}\), the existence of a complex hyperplane whose surrounding regular \(q\)-fans are close – in an \({L^2}\)-sense – to equipartitioning a given set of measures. The proofs of these results represent the first application of continuous as opposed to finite group actions in the usual equivariant topological reductions prevalent in combinatorial geometry.
For Part I see [Geom. Dedicata 179, 217–228 (2015; Zbl 1348.43009)].


43A50 Convergence of Fourier series and of inverse transforms
52A35 Helly-type theorems and geometric transversal theory
52A38 Length, area, volume and convex sets (aspects of convex geometry)
51M20 Polyhedra and polytopes; regular figures, division of spaces
37F20 Combinatorics and topology in relation with holomorphic dynamical systems
42A16 Fourier coefficients, Fourier series of functions with special properties, special Fourier series
28A75 Length, area, volume, other geometric measure theory


Zbl 1348.43009


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