
Hardy classes and related spaces of analytic functions in the unit circle, polydisc, and the ball. (English) Zbl 0632.32005

Translation from Itogi Nauki Tekh., Ser. Mat. Anal. 23, 3-124 (Russian) (1985; Zbl 0603.32004).


32A35 \(H^p\)-spaces, Nevanlinna spaces of functions in several complex variables
30D55 \(H^p\)-classes (MSC2000)
32A30 Other generalizations of function theory of one complex variable
32A40 Boundary behavior of holomorphic functions of several complex variables
32A38 Algebras of holomorphic functions of several complex variables
30H05 Spaces of bounded analytic functions of one complex variable
30D50 Blaschke products, etc. (MSC2000)
32E35 Global boundary behavior of holomorphic functions of several complex variables
32A25 Integral representations; canonical kernels (Szegő, Bergman, etc.)
32A05 Power series, series of functions of several complex variables


Zbl 0603.32004
Full Text: DOI


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