
Coding of image feature descriptors for distributed rate-efficient visual correspondences. (English) Zbl 1235.68301

Summary: Establishing visual correspondences is a critical step in many computer vision tasks involving multiple views of a scene. In a dynamic environment and when cameras are mobile, visual correspondences need to be updated on a recurring basis. At the same time, the use of wireless links between camera motes imposes tight rate constraints. This combination of issues motivates us to consider the problem of establishing visual correspondences in a distributed fashion between cameras operating under rate constraints. We propose a solution based on constructing distance preserving hashes using binarized random projections. By exploiting the fact that descriptors of regions in correspondence are highly correlated, we propose a novel use of distributed source coding via linear codes on the binary hashes to more efficiently exchange feature descriptors for establishing correspondences across multiple camera views. A systematic approach is used to evaluate rate vs visual correspondences retrieval performance; under a stringent matching criterion, our proposed methods demonstrate superior performance to a baseline scheme employing transform coding of descriptors.


68T45 Machine vision and scene understanding


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