
Sound propagation using an adjoint-based method. (English) Zbl 1460.76709

Summary: In this study, a comprehensive description of the adjoint formulation based on a systematic use of Lagrange’s identity is proposed to compute acoustic propagation effects induced by the presence of a mean flow. The adjoint method is a clever approach introduced by C. K. W. Tam and L. Auriault [ibid. 370, 149–174 (1998; Zbl 0929.76122)] in aeroacoustics to predict noise of distributed stochastic sources in a complex environment. A clear statement is also provided about the application of the flow reversal theorem, and its restriction to self-adjoint wave equations. As an illustration, sound propagation is computed numerically over a sheared and stratified mean flow for Lilley’s and Pierce’s wave equations. Acoustic solutions obtained with the adjoint approach are then compared with predictions obtained with the flow reversal theorem. Additionally Pierce’s wave equation for potential acoustics is identified as an outstanding candidate to compute accurately acoustic propagation while removing possible instability waves.


76Q05 Hydro- and aero-acoustics




Zbl 0929.76122


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