
Rowmotion on \(m\)-Tamari and biCambrian lattices. (English) Zbl 07923222

Summary: Thomas and Williams conjectured that rowmotion acting on the rational \((a, b)\)-Tamari lattice has order \(a + b - 1\). We construct an equivariant bijection that proves this conjecture when \(a \equiv 1(\operatorname{mod} b)\); in fact, we determine the entire orbit structure of rowmotion in this case, showing that it exhibits the cyclic sieving phenomenon. We additionally show that the down-degree statistic is homomesic for this action. In a different vein, we consider the action of rowmotion on Barnard and Reading’s biCambrian lattices. Settling a different conjecture of Thomas and Williams, we prove that if \(c\) is a bipartite Coxeter element of a coincidental-type Coxeter group \(W\), then the orbit structure of rowmotion on the \(c\)-biCambrian lattice is the same as the orbit structure of rowmotion on the lattice of order ideals of the doubled root poset of type \(W\).


05E18 Group actions on combinatorial structures
06B10 Lattice ideals, congruence relations
06D75 Other generalizations of distributive lattices


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