
The critical fugacity for surface adsorption of self-avoiding walks on the honeycomb lattice is \(1+\sqrt{2}\). (English) Zbl 1288.82006

Summary: In 2010, H. Duminil-Copin and S. Smirnov [Ann. Math. (2) 175, No. 3, 1653–1665 (2012; Zbl 1253.82012)] proved a long-standing conjecture of Nienhuis, made in 1982, that the growth constant of self-avoiding walks on the hexagonal (a.k.a. honeycomb) lattice is \(\mu=\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2}}\). A key identity used in that proof was later generalised by Smirnov so as to apply to a general \(O(n)\) loop model with \(n\in[-2,2]\) (the case \(n=0\) corresponding to self-avoiding walks).
We modify this model by restricting to a half-plane and introducing a surface fugacity \(y\) associated with boundary sites (also called surface sites), and obtain a generalisation of Smirnov’s identity. The critical value of the surface fugacity was conjectured by Batchelor and Yung in 1995 to be \(y_{\mathrm c}=1+2/\sqrt{2-n}\). This value plays a crucial role in our generalized identity, just as the value of the growth constant did in Smirnov’s identity.
For the case \(n=0\), corresponding to self-avoiding walks interacting with a surface, we prove the conjectured value of the critical surface fugacity. A crucial part of the proof involves demonstrating that the generating function of self-avoiding bridges of height \(T\), taken at its critical point \(1/\mu\), tends to 0 as \(T\) increases, as predicted from SLE theory.


82B20 Lattice systems (Ising, dimer, Potts, etc.) and systems on graphs arising in equilibrium statistical mechanics
82B41 Random walks, random surfaces, lattice animals, etc. in equilibrium statistical mechanics
60J67 Stochastic (Schramm-)Loewner evolution (SLE)
82B27 Critical phenomena in equilibrium statistical mechanics


Zbl 1253.82012

Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences:

Decimal expansion of the silver mean, 1+sqrt(2).


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