
Non-reversible guided Metropolis kernel. (English) Zbl 1520.65004

Summary: We construct a class of non-reversible Metropolis kernels as a multivariate extension of the guided-walk kernel proposed by P. Gustafson [Stat. Comput. 8, 357–364 (1998; doi:10.1023/A:1008880707168)]. The main idea of our method is to introduce a projection that maps a state space to a totally ordered group. By using Haar measure, we construct a novel Markov kernel termed the Haar mixture kernel, which is of interest in its own right. This is achieved by inducing a topological structure to the totally ordered group. Our proposed method, the \(\Delta\)-guided Metropolis-Haar kernel, is constructed by using the Haar mixture kernel as a proposal kernel. The proposed non-reversible kernel is at least 10 times better than the random-walk Metropolis kernel and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo kernel for the logistic regression and a discretely observed stochastic process in terms of effective sample size per second.


65C05 Monte Carlo methods
65C40 Numerical analysis or methods applied to Markov chains
60J05 Discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces


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