
Knotting statistics for polygons in lattice tubes. (English) Zbl 1509.82131

Summary: We study several related models of self-avoiding polygons in a tubular subgraph of the simple cubic lattice, with a particular interest in the asymptotics of the knotting statistics. Polygons in a tube can be characterised by a finite transfer matrix, and this allows for the derivation of pattern theorems, calculation of growth rates and exact enumeration. We also develop a static Monte Carlo method which allows us to sample polygons of a given size directly from a chosen Boltzmann distribution.
Using these methods we accurately estimate the growth rates of unknotted polygons in the \(2\times1\times\infty\) and \(3\times1\times\infty\) tubes, and confirm that these are the same for any fixed knot-type \(K\). We also confirm that the entropic exponent for unknots is the same as that of all polygons, and that the exponent for fixed knot-type \(K\) depends only on the number of prime factors in the knot decomposition of \(K\). For the simplest knot-types, this leads to a good approximation for the polygon size at which the probability of the given knot-type is maximized, and in some cases we are able to sample sufficiently long polygons to observe this numerically.


82M31 Monte Carlo methods applied to problems in statistical mechanics
82B30 Statistical thermodynamics
80M31 Monte Carlo methods applied to problems in thermodynamics and heat transfer
57K14 Knot polynomials




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