
A vanishing-inertia analysis for finite-dimensional rate-independent systems with nonautonomous dissipation and an application to soft crawlers. (English) Zbl 1471.74035

Summary: We study the approximation of finite-dimensional rate-independent quasistatic systems, via a vanishing-inertia asymptotic analysis of dynamic evolutions. We prove the uniform convergence of dynamic solutions to a rate-independent one, employing the variational concept of energetic solution. Motivated by applications in soft locomotion, we allow time-dependence of the dissipation potential, and translation invariance of the potential energy.


74H99 Dynamical problems in solid mechanics
74L15 Biomechanical solid mechanics
74P99 Optimization problems in solid mechanics
74S99 Numerical and other methods in solid mechanics
68T05 Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence
92C10 Biomechanics
70E60 Robot dynamics and control of rigid bodies


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