
Existence and uniqueness of solution to unsteady Darcy-Brinkman problem with Korteweg stress for modelling miscible porous media flow. (English) Zbl 07905798

Summary: The work investigates a model that combines a convection-diffusion-reaction equation for solute concentration with an unsteady Darcy-Brinkman equation for the flow field, including the Korteweg stress. Additionally, the flow field experiences an external body force term while the permeability fluctuates with solute concentration. Such models are used to describe flows in porous mediums such as fractured karst reservoirs, mineral wool, industrial foam, coastal mud, etc. The system of equations has Neumann boundary conditions for the solute concentration and no-flow conditions for the velocity field, and the well-posedness of the model is discussed for a wide range of initial data. The proofing techniques remain applicable in establishing the well-posedness of non-reactive and homogeneous porous media flows under the specified simplifications.


76S05 Flows in porous media; filtration; seepage
35Q35 PDEs in connection with fluid mechanics


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