
Upscaling an extended heterogeneous Stefan problem from the pore-scale to the Darcy scale in permafrost. (English) Zbl 1537.35039

Summary: In this paper we upscale thermal models from the pore-scale to the Darcy scale for applications in permafrost. We incorporate thawing and freezing of water at the pore-scale and adapt rigorous homogenization theory from [A. Visintin, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 39, No. 3, 987–1017 (2007; Zbl 1152.35057)] to the original nonlinear multivalued relationship to derive the effective properties. To obtain agreement of the effective model with the known Darcy scale empirical models, we revisit and extend the pore-scale model to include the delicate microscale physics in small pores. We also propose a practical reduced model for the nonlinear effective conductivity. We illustrate with simulations.


35B27 Homogenization in context of PDEs; PDEs in media with periodic structure
35R35 Free boundary problems for PDEs
35K65 Degenerate parabolic equations
80A22 Stefan problems, phase changes, etc.
76S05 Flows in porous media; filtration; seepage


Zbl 1152.35057


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