
A critical comparison of Lagrangian methods for coherent structure detection. (English) Zbl 1465.76096

Summary: We review and test twelve different approaches to the detection of finite-time coherent material structures in two-dimensional, temporally aperiodic flows. We consider both mathematical methods and diagnostic scalar fields, comparing their performance on three benchmark examples: the quasiperiodically forced Bickley jet, a two-dimensional turbulence simulation, and an observational wind velocity field from Jupiter’s atmosphere. A close inspection of the results reveals that the various methods often produce very different predictions for coherent structures, once they are evaluated beyond heuristic visual assessment. As we find by passive advection of the coherent set candidates, false positives and negatives can be produced even by some of the mathematically justified methods due to the ineffectiveness of their underlying coherence principles in certain flow configurations. We summarize the inferred strengths and weaknesses of each method, and make general recommendations for minimal self-consistency requirements that any Lagrangian coherence detection technique should satisfy.{
©2017 American Institute of Physics}


76R99 Diffusion and convection
76M99 Basic methods in fluid mechanics
76F25 Turbulent transport, mixing
76-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to fluid mechanics


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