
Computational methods of linear algebra. (English) Zbl 0451.65015


65Fxx Numerical linear algebra
65-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to numerical analysis
00A15 Bibliographies for mathematics in general


Zbl 0358.65018


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[1] A. A. Abramov, ?Some remarks on finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices arising in the application of the Ritz method and the method of grids,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,7, No. 3, 644?647 (1967).
[2] A. A. Abramov, ?Ideas of permutation theory in some algorithms of linear algebra,? in: Modern Numerical Methods, No. 1 (Materials of the International Summer School on Numerical Methods, Kiev, 1966), Moscow (1968), pp. 85?101.
[3] V. I. Agoshkov and Yu. A. Kuznetsov, ?The Lanczos method in eigenvalue problems,? in: Computational Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1972), pp. 145?164.
[4] I. Ya. Akushskii and Yu. G. Zolotarev, ?On a method of solving systems of linear algebraic equations,? Elektron. Tekhnika. Nauch. Tekh. Sb. Mikroelektronika,4 (30), 87?89 (1971).
[5] M. A. Aleksidze, ?On a method of inverting symmetric matrices,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,191, No. 3, 507?510 (1970).
[6] L. P. Andreeva, ?On practical application of the orthogonal power method,? in: Computational Methods and Programming. No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1965), pp. 61?68.
[7] L. P. Andreeva, ?On the realization of the P-algorithm,? in: Computational Methods and Programmings No. 8, Moscow State Univ. (1967), pp. 243?247.
[8] A. S. Apartsin and Ten Men Yan, ?Solution of poorly conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations by means of a priori smoothing,? in: Some Questions of Optimization and Control in Energy Systems [in Russian], Irkutsk (1972), pp. 24?27.
[9] V. S. Apokorina and V. I. Lebedev, ?On the application of the method of inverse iterations in limiting cases,? in: Computational Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1973), pp. 23?33.
[10] Yu. Akhatov and A. Umirbekov, ?Solution of a system of linear algebraic equations by Monte Carlo methods,? Tr. Tashkent. Politekh. Inst.,76, 74?89 (1972).
[11] V. A. Baklanova, ?Generalization of the method of deflation,? Nauch. Tr. Tashkent. Univ.,276, 14?19 (1966).
[12] V. A. Baklanova, ?On the refinement of an eigenvalue and an eigenvector of a matrix,? Nauch. Tr. Tashkent. Univ.,276, 20?23 (1966).
[13] V. A. Baklanova, ?On refinement of an eigenvalue and an eigenvector of a matrix,? Nauch. Tr. Tashkent. Univ.,316, 55?60 (1968).
[14] A. B. Bakushinskii, ?A method of solving ?degenerate? and ?almost degenerate? linear algebraic equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,3, No. 6, 1113?1114 (1964).
[15] A. N. Baluev and M. K. Gavurin, ?Experiments on regularization of difference schemes,? in: Computational Methods [in Russian], No. 5, Leningrad State Univ. (1968), pp. 14?18.
[16] N. S. Bakhvalov, Numerical Methods. Vol. 1, Analysis, Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1973). · Zbl 0263.34042
[17] A. Ya. Belostotskii, ?On an estimate of the quality of approximate solutions of a system of linear algebraic equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,5, No. 1, 112?114 (1965).
[18] Yu. F. Belousov, ?On a method of inverting matrices,? in: Materials of the 27th Interschool Conference of Mathematics Departments of the Pedagogical Institutes of the Ural Zone [in Russian], Izhevsk (1969), pp. 159?161.
[19] I. S. Berezin and N. P. Zhidkov, Method of Computations [in Russian], Vol. 1, 3rd ed., Nauka, Moscow (1966).
[20] S. T. Bersenev, A. L. Deinezhenko, and N. I. Sablin, ?A numerical algorithm for finding an approximate I. pseudosolution for systems of linear algebraic equations,? in: Computational Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1973), pp. 86?94.
[21] Yu. V. Blagoveshchenskii and L. D. Nikolenko, ?On refinement of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in the case of multiple roots of the characteristic equation,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR, No. 6, 699?702 (1966).
[22] A. N. Bogolyubov and V. I. Telegin, ?On a numerical method of solving linear systems of equations with a tridiagonal matrix,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,14, No. 3, 768?771 (1974). · Zbl 0283.65009
[23] K. Boyadzhiev, ?The inverse matrix of three-term systems of equations,? in: Investigations in the Theory of Construction [in Russian], No. 1.4, Stroiizdat, Moscow (1965), pp. 253?258.
[24] Yu. E. Boyarintsev and Zh.L.Korobitsina, ?Construction of a convergent multistep iterative process,? in: Computational Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1969), pp. 11?15.
[25] A. L. Brudno, ??-solutions of linear algebraic systems,? in: Problems of Cybernetics [in Russian], No. 8, Fizmatgiz, Moscow (1962), pp. 187?190.
[26] V. A. Bulavskii, ?On the decomposition of square matrices into the product of an orthogonal and triangular matrix,? Sib. Mat. Zh.,10, No. 2, 467?469 (1969). · Zbl 0196.05701 · doi:10.1007/BF00970445
[27] V. Ya. Bulygin and P. G. Danilaev, ?On the question of determining hydroconductivity by solving a poorly conditioned system of linear algebraic equations,? in: Numerical Methods in Technology-Economics Problems [in Russian], Kazan Univ., Kazan (1971), pp. 15?18.
[28] B. Bukhberger and G. A. Emel’yanenko, ?Methods of inverting tridiagonal matrices,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,13, No. 3, 546?554 (1973).
[29] W. Wasow and G. Forsythe, Difference Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations [Russian translation], IL, Moscow (1963). · Zbl 0108.29803
[30] V. V. Voevodin, ?Solution of the full eigenvalue problem by power methods,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1965), pp. 7?54.
[31] V. V. Voevodin, ?Stability of power methods,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1965), pp. 55?60.
[32] V. V. Voevodin, ?Solution of the full eigenvalue problem by the method of rotations,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1965), pp. 89?105.
[33] V. V. Voevodin, Numerical Methods of Algebra. Theory and Algorithms [in Russian], Nauka, Moscow (1966).
[34] V. V. Voevodin, ?On the order of eliminating unknowns,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,6, No. 4, 758?760 (1966).
[35] V. V. Voevodin, ?On the asymptotic distribution of rounding errors in linear transformations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,7, No. 5, 965?976 (1967).
[36] V. V. Voevodin, ?Orthogonal transformations in linear algebra,? in: Modern Numerical Methods, No. 1 (Materials of the International Summer School on Numerical Methods, Kiev, 1966), Moscow (1968), pp. 3?15.
[37] V. V. Voevodin, ?Orthogonal transformations and the solution of systems of equations with rectangular matrices,? in: Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes, Moscow State Univ. (1968), pp. 39?58.
[38] V. V. Voevodin, ?On the accuracy of solving systems of equations by direct methods,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,8, No. 5, 1094?1096 (1968).
[39] V. V. Voevodin, Rounding and Stability in Direct Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Moscow State Univ. (1969).
[40] V. V. Voevodin, ?On a method of regularization,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,9, No. 3, 673?675 (1969).
[41] V. V. Voevodin, ?On the asymptotic distribution of rounding errors in the decomposition of a matrix into factors and in solving systems of equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,9, No. 4, 932?934 (1969).
[42] V. V. Voevodin, ?Development of methods of solving problems in the University Computer Center,? Vestn. Mosk. Gos. Univ., No. 2, 69?82 (1970).
[43] V. V. Voevodin, ?On a programming packet for problems of linear algebra,? in: Mathematical Provision for the Computer [in Russian], Kiev (1972), pp. 107?108.
[44] V. V. Voevodin (ed.), Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, Moscow State Univ. (1973?1974).
[45] V. V. Voevodin and V. M. Volovich, ?On solving systems with many right sides,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,10, No. 4, 1025?1027 (1970).
[46] V. V. Voevodin and V. M. Volovich, ?On the choice of principal cell in the cell versions of the Gauss method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 18, Moscow State Univ. (1972), pp. 188?192.
[47] V. V. Voevodin and V. M. Volovich, ?Solution of the eigenvalue problem for a tridiagonal matrix in the packet of linear algebra,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1973), pp. 114?151.
[48] V. V. Voevodin and Kh. D. Ikramov, ?On an extension of the Jacobi method,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 8, Moscow State Univ. (1967), pp. 216?228.
[49] V. V. Voevodin, N. A. Ismailova, L. I. Karysheva, G. D. Kim, R. V. Petrina, and I. V. Chepurina, ?General macromodules generated by problems of linear algebra,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 2, Moscow State Univ. (1973), pp. 19?114.
[50] V. V. Voevodin, L. I. Karysheva, G. D. Kim, and R. V. Petrina, ?A complex of algorithms based on reflection transformations in the packet of linear algebra,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1973), pp. 6?49.
[51] V. V. Voevodin and G. D. Kim, ?Principles of constructing a packet for the solution of problems of linear algebra,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 2, Moscow State Univ. (1973), pp. 5?18.
[52] V. V. Voevodin, G. D. Kim, L. I. Karysheva, and Z. I. Agafonova, ?The QR algorithm for solving the full eigenvalue problem for a matrix of general form,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 9, Moscow State Univ. (1974), pp. 36?86.
[53] V. V. Voevodin and R. V. Petrina, ?A complex of algorithms based on transformations of Gauss type in the packet of linear algebra,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1973), pp. 50?96.
[54] V. V. Voevodin and T. L. Rudneva, ?On a cell version of the reflection method in solving linear algebraic systems,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,10, No. 5, 1281?1285 (1970). · Zbl 0212.17004
[55] S. N. Voevodina, ?A complex of algorithms connected with cellular Toeplitz matrices in the packet of linear algebra,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 9, Moscow State Univ. (1974), pp. 115?131.
[56] V. M. Volovich, ?On the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations by cell methods,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1965), pp. 106?133.
[57] V. M. Volovich, ?On the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations of high order on machines with small operative memory,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 8, Moscow State Univ. (1967), pp. 229?242. · Zbl 0229.65041
[58] Yu. V. Vorob’ev, ?A random iterative process,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,4, No. 6, 1088?1093 (1964).
[59] Yu. V. Vorob’ev, ?A random iterative process. II,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,5, No. 5, 787?795 (1965).
[60] Yu. V. Vorob’ev, ?A random iterative process in the method of variable directions,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,8, No. 3, 663?670 (1968).
[61] Yu. V. Vorob’ev and G. S. Medvedev, ?On the inversion of matrices of special type,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,7, No. 2, 406?408 (1967).
[62] B. D. Vulichevich, ?On a method of inverting matrices,? Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR,18, 96?103 (1970).
[63] B. D. Vulichevich, ?On inversion of rectangular matrices decomposed into blocks,? Math. Balkan.,3, 600?604 (1973).
[64] B. D. Vulichevich and V. N. Kublanovskaya, ?On the solution of the partial eigenvalue problem for certain matrices of special type,? Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR,18, 104?115 (1970).
[65] A. Z. Gamm, ?On the solution of linear equations of high order with topologically symmetric matrices,? in: Methods of Control by Large Systems [in Russian], Vol. 2, Irkutsk (1970), pp. 211?219.
[66] F. R. Gantmacher, Theory of Matrices, Chelsea Publ. · Zbl 0085.01001
[67] I. F. Garchenyuk, ?Comparison of two algorithms for solving systems of linear algebraic equations,? in: Materials of the Fourth Republic Scientific Conference of Young Investigators in Systems Technology [in Russian], Vol. 2, Kiev (1969), pp. 81?84.
[68] I. F. Garchenyuk and V. V. Ivanov, ?Analysis of accuracy and comparison of some computational algorithms of linear algebra,? in: Questions of Accuracy and Effective Computational Algorithms, Proc. of a Symp., Vol. 1, Kiev (1969), pp. 16?27.
[69] I. M. Gel’fand, Lectures on Linear Algebra [in Russian], 4th Ed., Nauka, Moscow (1971).
[70] V. D. Glushenkov, ?On the sweep-out method for solving systems of linear algebraic equations with a (2k+1)-diagonal matrix,? in: Application of Method of Computational Mathematics and Computers in Technology-Economics Calculations [in Russian], No. 2, Kazan, Univ. (1970), pp. 134?136.
[71] V. S. Godlevskii, ?On an estimate of the accuracy of solutions of certain systems of linear algebraic equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,13, No. 1, 233?237 (1973).
[72] V. S. Godlevskii, ?On estimates of the distribution laws of errors in solutions of systems of linear algebraic and ordinary differential equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,14, No. 5, 1083?1092 (1974).
[73] V. K. Gordovskii, ?Use of a priori estimates of errors in solving systems of equations of high order,? in: Systems and Methods of Automatic Control [in Russian], Kiev (1970), pp. 5?12.
[74] V. I. Gordonova, ?Estimates of rounding errors in solving systems of conditional equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,9, No. 4, 775?782 (1969).
[75] V. I. Gordonova, ?On the question of justifying algorithms for the choice of the regularization parameter,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,13, No. 5, 1328?1332 (1973).
[76] V. I. Gordonova and V. A. Morozov, ?Numerical algorithms for choosing the parameter in the method of regularization,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,13, No. 3, 539?545 (1973).
[77] V. I. Gordonova and V. A. Morozov, ?A subprogram for solving systems of linear algebraic equations by the method of regularization with a given error level,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 6, Moscow State Univ. (1974), pp. 3?7.
[78] O. A. Goryachev, ?On the solution on a computer of systems of algebraic equations of high order,? Tr. Kuibyshev. Aviats. Inst.,54, 120?126 (1971).
[79] Sh. M. Gofman and T. S. Sadetov, ?On the question of improving the condition of the coefficient matrix of a system of linear algebraic equations,? Tr. Tashkent. Inst. Inzh. Zh.-D. Transp.,85, 3?11 (1972).
[80] A. B. Gribov, ?A method of recurrent computation of the characteristic polynomial,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,177, No. 3, 499?500 (1967). · Zbl 0207.15702
[81] B. Griva, ?On the propagation of rounding errors in solving linear algebraic systems by the method of unique division,? Uch. Zap. Latv. Gos. Univ., Tr. Vychisl. Tsentra,58, No. 2, 257?263 (1964).
[82] G. M. Gusak and V. K. Kravtsov, ?On the computation of determinants in systems of residue classes,? in: Theory and Application of Mathematical Machines [in Russian], Belorussian State Univ., Minsk (1972), pp. 44?48.
[83] D. F. Davidenko, ?On the application of the method of variation of parameters to the computation of the associated matrix and its determinant,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,17, No. 3, 59?66 (1965). · Zbl 0156.03404 · doi:10.1007/BF02527360
[84] D. F. Davidenko, ?On the approximate computation of determinants,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,17, No. 5, 14?27 (1965). · Zbl 0196.47901 · doi:10.1007/BF02527083
[85] D. F. Davidenko, ?On the application of the method of variation of parameters to the construction of iterative formulas for increased accuracy for determining the elements of the inverse matrix,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,162, No. 4, 743?746 (1965). · Zbl 0142.11405
[86] D. F. Davidenko, ?On an iterative method of variation of parameters for inversion of linear operations,? Inst. Atom. Energii im. I. V. Kurchatova, Preprint IAE-1963, Moscow (1970).
[87] D. F. Davidenko, ?On a class of iterative methods of third order for inverting linear operations,? Inst. Atom. Energ. im. Kurchatova, Preprint, IAE-2220, Moscow (1972).
[88] V. A. Daugavet, ?On a version of the graduated power method for finding several first eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,8, No. 1, 158?165 (1968).
[89] K. Dzhumaev, ?Comparative analysis of methods of solving poorly conditioned linear algebraic systems on the basis of numerical experiment,? in: Optimization and Organization of Computations [in Russian], Kiev (1972), pp. 62?70.
[90] S. Z. Dinkevich and I. R. Dovgard, ?On a method of inverting matrices,? in: The Finite Element Method and Structural Mechanics [in Russian], Leningrad (1974), pp. 201?203.
[91] A. P. Domoryad, ?On refining an eigenvalue and eigenvector of a matrix,? Nauch. Tr. Tashkent. Univ.,245, 8?10 (1964).
[92] A. M. Dubnov, ?Solution of a system of linear equations by matrix sweep-out,? Tr. Ts NII Stroit. Konstruktsii,9, 68?74 (1970).
[93] E. G. D’yakonov, ?On some iterative methods of solving systems of difference equations arising in the solution of partial differential equations of elliptic type by the method of grids,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1965), pp. 191?222.
[94] E. G. D’yakonov, ?On the construction of iterative methods based on using spectrally equivalent operators,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,6, No. 1, 12?34 (1966).
[95] E. G. D’yakonov, ?Interative methods of solving difference analogues of boundary value problems for equations of elliptic type,? in: Modern Computational Methods [in Russian], No. 4 (Materials of the International Summer School on Numerical Methods, Kiev, 1966), Kiev (1970).
[96] E. G. D’yakonov, Difference Methods of Solving Boundary Value Problems [in Russian], Moscow State Univ. (1971).
[97] I. V. Emelin, M. A. Krasnosel’skii, and N. P. Panskikh, ?The spurt method of constructing successive approximations,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,219, No. 3, 535?538 (1974). · Zbl 0318.65012
[98] A. K. Emel’yanov, ?On a modified gradient method for solving systems of linear equations,? in: Methods and Models of Control [in Russian], No. 1, Riga (1971), pp. 73?76.
[99] M. I. Zhaldak and B. S. Kovbasenko, ?On an iterative process for finding the Chebyshev point of a system of linear equations,? Vychisl. Prikl. Mat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb.,5, 104?111 (1968). · Zbl 0205.17201
[100] N. P. Zhidkov, ?Several remarks on the condition of systems of linear algebraic equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Fiz.,3, No. 5, 803?811 (1963).
[101] E. L. Zhukovskii, ?Statistical regularization of systems of algebraic equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,12, No. 1, 185?191 (1972).
[102] E. L. Zhukovskii, ?On application of statistical regularizing algorithms to solving certain types of incorrectly posed problems,? in: Some Questions of Automation, Processing, and Interpretation of Physical Experiments [in Russian], No. 1, Moscow State Univ. (1973), pp. 133?169.
[103] E. L. Zhukovskii and P. N. Zaikin, ?On a numerical algorithm for finding quasisolutions of conditional systems of algebraic equations,? in: Some Questions of Automation, Processing, and Interpretation of Physical Experiments [in Russian], No. 2, Moscow State Univ. (1973), pp. 117?123.
[104] E. L. Zhukovskii and R. Sh. Liptser, ?On a recurrent method of computing normal solutions of linear algebraic equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,12, No. 4, 843?857 (1972).
[105] E. L. Zhukovskii and V. A. Morozov, ?On sequential Bayes regularization of algebraic systems of equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,12, No. 2, 464?465 (1972).
[106] A. F. Zabolotskaya, ?A method of accelerating convergence of an iterative method of determining the leading eigenvalue of a self-adjoint operator,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,8, No. 3, 658?660 (1968).
[107] R. A. Zvyagina, ?On decomposition of a matrix with block structure into the product of matrices of triangular type,? Sb.Tr. Inst. Mat. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR,5 (22), 73?86 (1972).
[108] R. Zelinskii, ?Solution of a system of linear algebraic equations by the method of random search with parabolic interpolation,? Avtom. Vychisl. Tekh., No. 1, 88?89 (1980).
[109] O. V. Zenkin, ?Some remarks on the stability of the method of simple iteration,? in: Nauk. Prats’Aspirantiv, Kiivs’k. Univ. Fiz.-Mat., Kiev (1963), pp. 117?124.
[110] O. V. Zenkin, ?Some remarks on actual realization of the method of simple iterations,? in: Kibern. Tekh. Vychisl., Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1964), pp. 163?171.
[111] O. V. Zenkin, ?Some remarks on the stability of iterative processes,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,4, No. 4, 745?748 (1964).
[112] A. V. Ivanov, ?Computational properties of regular difference equations,? Tr. Mat. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR,70, 59?115 (1964).
[113] V. V. Ivanov, ?On algorithms of optimal accuracy for solving linear algebraic systems on a computer,? in: Computational Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1973), pp. 63?76.
[114] Kh. D. Ikramov, ?On representations of matrix norms,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,9, No. 6, 1378?1383 (1969).
[115] Kh. D. Ikramov, Matrix Norms and Methods of Jacobi Type [in Russian], Moscow State Univ. (1969).
[116] Kh. D. Ikramov, ?The generalized method of rotations in the packet of linear algebra,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1973), pp. 163?172.
[117] Kh. D. Ikramov and N. V. Petri, ?On the consistency of vector and matrix norms,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,9, No. 5, 987?995 (1969).
[118] V. P. Il’in, ?On explicit schemes of variable directions,? Izv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Tekh.,13, No. 3, 97?104 (1967).
[119] V. P. Il’in, ?On certain estimates for methods of conjugate gradients,? Vychisl. Tsentr Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Seminar Vychisl. Metody Prikl. Mat., No. 1, Preprint, Novosibirsk (1974).
[120] A. G. Ilyukhin, S. F. Feshchenko, E. S. Gavrilova, ?On a method of solving the eigenvalue problem for matrices,? Vychisl. Prikl. Mat., Mezhved. Nauch. Sb.,11, 16?25 (1970).
[121] N. A. Ismailova and M. A. Smirnova, ?On the distribution of rounding errors for linear transformations of vectors defined in the unit cube,? in: Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes [in Russian], Moscow State Univ. (1968), pp. 25?28.
[122] L. I. Karysheva, ?A generalized eigenvalue problem,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 9, Moscow State Univ. (1974), pp. 87?114.
[123] V. L. Katkov, ?On an improved matrix factorization,? Sib. Mat. Zh.,6, No. 3, 697?699 (1965).
[124] I. S. Kats, ?On the question of the rate of convergence of the method of successive relaxation,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,9, No. 5, 996?1003 (1969).
[125] G. D Kim, ?On the solution of certain systems of linear algebraic equations of higher order,? in: Vychisl. Metody i Programmir., No. 3, Moscow State Univ. (1965), pp. 134?146.
[126] G. D. Kim, ?On the reduction of a system of linear equations to a form convenient for simple iteration,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 8, Moscow State Univ. (1967), pp. 248?253.
[127] G. D. Kim, ?On the statistical investigation of rounding errors in solving systems of linear algebraic equations by iterative methods,? in: Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes [in Russian], Moscow State Univ. (1968), pp. 74?102.
[128] G. D. Kim, ?On the statistical investigation of rounding errors in solving systems of linear equations by iterative methods,? in: Computational Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1969), pp. 90?91.
[129] G. D. Kim, ?On the statistical investigation of rounding errors of some algebraic transformations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,9, No. 3, 679?684 (1969).
[130] G. D. Kim, On the Distribution of Rounding Errors of Iterative Methods of Solving Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations [in Russian], Moscow State Univ. (1969).
[131] G. D. Kim, ?On statistical models of investigating rounding errors in problems of linear algebra,? in: Computational Methods and Programming [in Russian], No. 18, Moscow State Univ. (1972), pp. 173?187.
[132] G. D. Kim, ?Solution of the full eigenvalue problem for a Hermitian matrix by the method of rotation in the packet of linear algebra,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 3, Moscow State Univ., 97?113.
[133] G. D. Kim and I. V. Chepurina, ?Iterative refinement of an approximate solution of a system of linear algebraic equations,? in: Numerical Analysis in FORTRAN [in Russian], No. 9, Moscow State Univ. (1974), pp. 6?20.
[134] V. V. Klyuev and N. I. Kokovkin-Shcherbak, ?On minimization of the number of arithmetic operations in solving linear algebraic systems of equations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,5, No. 1, 21?33 (1965).
[135] V. V. Klyuev and N. I. Kokovkin-Shcherbak, ?On minimization of the number of operations in one transformation of a matrix,? Ukr. Mat. Zh.,18, No. 6, 122?128 (1966).
[136] V. V. Klyuev and N. I. Kokovkin-Shcherbak, ?On minimization of computational algorithms in certain matrix transformations,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,7, No. 1, 3?13 (1967).
[137] G. G. Kovalenko, ?Application of the alternating method of Schwarz to the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations,? Dopovidi Akad. Nauk Ukr. RSR,A, No. 5, 410?415 (1967).
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[160] V. N. Kublanovskaya, ?Application of orthogonal transformations to the numerical realization of linear algebraic perturbation problems,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,10, No. 2, 429?433 (1970). · Zbl 0222.65042
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[168] V. N. Kublanovskaya, ?On solution of the additive problem for the eigenvalues of a matrix,? Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR,48, 12?17 (1974). · Zbl 0348.65034
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[170] V. N. Kublanovskaya and V. B. Khazanov, ?On an inverse eigenvalue problem for a matrix,? Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Leningr. Otd. Mat. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR,23, 84?93 (1971). · Zbl 0284.65032
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[172] V. Yu. Kudrinskii and V. S. Ostapchuk, ?On the solution of degenerate and poorly conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations,? in: Mathematical Methods in Specialized Computational Techniques, Proc. Seminar, No. 2, Kiev (1969), pp. 59?67.
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[174] Yu. A. Kuznetsov, ?On the theory of iterative processes,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,184, No. 2, 274?277 (1969).
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[177] Yu. A. Kuznetsov, ?Iterative methods of solving linear systems with singular matrices,? in: Mathematical Provisions for the Computer [in Russian], Kiev (1972), pp. 221?227.
[178] Yu. A. Kuznetsov, ?Iterative methods of solving incompatible systems of linear equations,? Vychisl. Tsentr Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Serminar ?Vychisl. Metody Prikl. Mat.,? No. 6, Preprint, Novosibirsk (1974).
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[190] V. I. Lebedev, ?Determination of the largest eigenvalue and the eigenfunction corresponding to it by an iterative method with Chebyshev parameters,? Vychisl. Tsentr Sib. Otd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Seminar ?Vychisl. Metody Prikl. Mat.,? No. 11, Preprint, Novosibirsk (1975).
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[222] G. I. Marchuk and Yu. A. Kuznetsov, ?Some questions of the theory of multistep iterative processes,? in: Computational Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1969), pp. 16?29.
[223] G. I. Marchuk and Yu. A. Kuznetsov, ?On the solution of systems of linear equations by iterative methods,? in: Questions of Accuracy and Effective Computational Algorithms [in Russian], Proc. Symposium, Vol. 1, Kiev (1969), pp. 60?74.
[224] G. I. Marchuk and Yu. A. Kuznetsov, ?Some questions in iterative methods,? in: Computational Methods of Linear Algebra [in Russian], Novosibirsk (1972), pp. 4?20.
[225] G. I. Marchuk and Yu. A. Kuznetsov, Iterative Methods and Quadratic Functionals [in Russian], Nauka, Sib. Otd., Novosibirsk (1972).
[226] G. I. Marchuk and N. N. Yanenko, ?Application of the splitting method (fractional steps) for solving problems of mathematical physics,? in: Some Questions of Computational and Applied Mathematics [in Russian], Nauka, Novosibirsk (1966), pp. 5?22.
[227] A. A. Matveev, ?On an algorithm for the pseudoinversion of matrices,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,14, No. 2, 483?487 (1974).
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[229] I. N. Molchanov and L. D. Nikolenko, ?On a direct method of solving Neumann problems for the Poisson equation,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,13, No. 6, 1607?1612 (1973).
[230] I. N. Molchanov, L. D. Nikolenko, and M. P. Kirichenko, ?On a packet of programs for solving systems of linear algebraic equations,? Kibernetika, No. 1, 127?133 (1972). · Zbl 0233.65030
[231] I. N. Molchanov and M. F. Yakovlev, ?On rapidly convergent iterative processes for the solution of systems of difference equations with a nonunique solution,? in: Questions of Accuracy and Effective Computational Algorithms [in Russian], Proc. Symp., Vol. 1, Kiev (1969), pp. 75?87.
[232] I. N. Molchanov and M. F. Yakovlev, ?On a class of iterative processes for solving incompatible systems of linear algebraic equations,? Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR,209, No. 4, 782?784 (1973). · Zbl 0297.65031
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[236] V. A. Morozov, ?On regularization of incorrectly posed problems and the choice of the regularization parameter,? Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz.,6, No. 1, 170?175 (1966). · Zbl 0176.13103
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[238] V. A. Morozov, ?On optimal approximate solutions of systems of linear algebraic equations,? in: Questions of Accuracy and Effective Computational Algorithms [in Russian], Proc. Symp., Vol. 1, Kiev (1969), pp. 88?95.
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[258] L. D. Nikolenko, ?On an approach to the analysis and solution of a system of linear algebraic equations on a computer with variable digitation,? in: Basic and Standard Programs for Computing Machines and Systems [In Russian], Tr. Seminar, No. 2, Kiev, 1968 (1969), pp. 87?96.
[259] L. D. Nikolenko, ?On an estimate of accuracy of the solution of a system of linear algebraic equations,? in: Questions of Accuracy and Effective Computational Algorithms [in Russian], Proc. Symp., Vol. 1, Kiev (1969), pp. 96?108.
[260] V. S. Ostapchuk, ?On a method of solving degenerate algebraic systems,? Visn. Kiiv. Univ., Ser. Mat. Mekh., No. 16, 95?100 (1974).
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