
Adjoint-based linear sensitivity of a supersonic boundary layer to steady wall blowing-suction/heating-cooling. (English) Zbl 07785768

Summary: For a Mach 4.5 flat-plate adiabatic boundary layer, we study the sensitivity of the first, second Mack modes and streaks to steady wall-normal blowing/suction and wall heat flux. The global instabilities are characterised in frequency space with resolvent gains and their gradients with respect to wall-boundary conditions are derived through a Lagrangian-based method. The implementation is performed in the open-source high-order finite-volume code BROADCAST and algorithmic differentiation is used to access the high-order state derivatives of the discretised governing equations. For the second Mack mode, the resolvent optimal gain decreases when suction is applied upstream of Fedorov’s mode \(S\)/mode \(F\) synchronisation point, leading to stabilisation, and the converse when applied downstream. The largest suction gradient is in the region of branch I of mode \(S\) neutral curve. For heat-flux control, strong heating at the leading edge stabilises both the first and second Mack modes, the former being more sensitive to wall-temperature control. Streaks are less sensitive to any boundary control in comparison with the Mack modes. Eventually, we show that an optimal actuator consisting of a single steady heating strip located close to the leading edge manages to damp the linear growth of all three instability mechanisms.


76E05 Parallel shear flows in hydrodynamic stability
76E19 Compressibility effects in hydrodynamic stability
76N25 Flow control and optimization for compressible fluids and gas dynamics
76N20 Boundary-layer theory for compressible fluids and gas dynamics
76J20 Supersonic flows
76M12 Finite volume methods applied to problems in fluid mechanics


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