
New magic neutrino mass textures with three free parameters. (English) Zbl 1532.81069

Summary: Motivated by current experiments on searching for neutrinoless double beta decays, we study the phenomenological consequences and testability of the constraint relation “\(\mathcal{M}_{ii} = \mathcal{M}_{jj} + \mathcal{M}_{e\mu} + \mathcal{M}_{e\tau}\)”, for \(i, j = e\), \(\mu\), \(\tau\), on the magic neutrino mass matrix elements. This hypothesis is inspired by the \(\mu - \tau\) symmetry and gives rise to six different Majorana neutrino mass textures, including two textures one-zero. These obtained textures are diagonalized by the well-known trimaximal mixing which provides nonzero and nonmaximal reactor and atmospheric angles, respectively. Depending on the predominance of the \(e\)-row or \(\mu-\tau\) block, the preferred neutrino mass hierarchy and the lower limits on the \(| \mathcal{M}_{i i} |\) effective Majorana masses for each magic matrix are determined. Furthermore, in light of the global-fit results of neutrino oscillation parameters as reported by NuFIT 5.1, we also study the testability of these textures at the proposed neutrinoless double beta decay experiments such as KamLAND-Zen, GERDA Phase-II and nEXO, by incorporating the effective Majorana neutrino masses \(|\mathcal{M}_{ij}|\) that are generated through these neutrino mass matrices.


81U90 Particle decays
81V35 Nuclear physics
41A29 Approximation with constraints
83C57 Black holes


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