
Green operators in low regularity spacetimes and quantum field theory. (English) Zbl 1479.83265

Summary: In this paper we develop the mathematics required in order to provide a description of the observables for quantum fields on low-regularity spacetimes. In particular we consider the case of a massless scalar field \(\phi\) on a globally hyperbolic spacetime \(M\) with \(C^{1,1}\) metric \(g\). This first entails showing that the (classical) Cauchy problem for the wave equation is well-posed for initial data and sources in Sobolev spaces and then constructing low-regularity advanced and retarded Green operators as maps between suitable function spaces. In specifying the relevant function spaces we need to control the norms of both \(\phi\) and \(\square_g \phi\) in order to ensure that \(\square_g\circ G^\pm\) and \(G^\pm \circ \square_g\) are the identity maps on those spaces. The causal propagator \(G = G^+ - G^-\) is then used to define a symplectic form \(\omega\) on a normed space \(V(M)\) which is shown to be isomorphic to \(\mathrm{ker}(\square_g)\). This enables one to provide a locally covariant description of the quantum fields in terms of the elements of quasi-local \(C^*\)-algebras.


83F05 Relativistic cosmology
81T20 Quantum field theory on curved space or space-time backgrounds
51M09 Elementary problems in hyperbolic and elliptic geometries
58J45 Hyperbolic equations on manifolds
26B20 Integral formulas of real functions of several variables (Stokes, Gauss, Green, etc.)
53D05 Symplectic manifolds (general theory)
81T05 Axiomatic quantum field theory; operator algebras
46L05 General theory of \(C^*\)-algebras


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