
Critical node detection problem for complex network in undirected weighted networks. (English) Zbl 07571881

Summary: Detection of critical nodes in complex networks has recently received extensive attention. Currently, studies of the critical nodes problem (CNP) mainly focus on two problem types: “critical nodes problem/positive” (CNP-Pos) and “critical nodes problem/negative” (CNP-Neg). However, to the best of our knowledge, few studies have been conducted on CNP-Neg for weighed networks. In this paper, we investigate CNP-Neg in undirected weighted networks. We first propose a novel metric \(D_{F W}\) to evaluate network fragmentation. Then, we formulate a new nonconvex mixed-integer quadratic programming model, named MIQPM, that aims to simultaneously minimize pairwise connectivity and maximize the weights between the nodes. After that, a general greedy algorithm is employed to solve the corresponding optimization problem. Finally, comparison experiments are carried out for several synthetic networks and four real-world networks to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.


82-XX Statistical mechanics, structure of matter
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