
Apolarity, border rank, and multigraded Hilbert scheme. (English) Zbl 1481.14006

Let \( X \) be the Segre-Veronese embedding of \(\mathbb{P}^a\times\mathbb{P}^b\times\mathbb{P}^c\times \cdots\) with degree \( L=(l_1,l_2,l_3,\dots).\) Corresponding to it we have the multigraded ring \[ S[X]=\mathbb{C}[\alpha_0,\dots,\alpha_a,\beta_0,\dots,\beta_b,\gamma_0,\dots,\gamma_c,\dots] .\]
The ring \( S[X] \) has two dual interpretations. The first, more geometric, as “functions” on \(X\) and the second, more algebraic, in terms of derivations. We have then the well known apolarity lemma: \[F\in \langle \{ p_1,\dots,p_r \} \rangle \Leftrightarrow I(\{ p_1,\dots,p_r \}) \subset \mbox{Ann}(F)\] where \(F\in S[X], \ p_1,\dots,p_1\in X\) and \(\mbox{Ann}(F)\subset S[X]\) is the annihilator of \(F\) in the space of derivations.
This lemma gives a characterization of rank \(r\) tensors. In the present paper the authors introduce a result for border rank similar to the apolarity lemma. The main result goes as follows: Suppose a tensor or polynomial \(F\) has border rank at most \(r.\) Then there exists a multihomogeneous ideal \(I\subset S[X]\) such that \(I\subset \mbox{Ann}(F)\) and for each multidegree \(D\) the \(D\)th graded piece \(I_D\) of \(I\) has codimension equal to \(\min(r,\dim S[X]_D).\)
In fact, the result stated above is a consequence of more general results that they show for a smooth toric variety. They also have if and only if kind of results using more technical hypotheses.
Moreover, the results are applied to the cases \(\mathbb{P}^2\times \mathbb{P}^1 \times \cdots \times \mathbb{P}^1\) with arbitrary degree and \(\mathbb{P}^a\times \mathbb{P}^b\times \mathbb{P}^c\) with degree \((1,1,1)\) obtaining new bounds for the border rank of such Segre-Veronese varieties.


14C05 Parametrization (Chow and Hilbert schemes)
14M25 Toric varieties, Newton polyhedra, Okounkov bodies
15A69 Multilinear algebra, tensor calculus
68Q17 Computational difficulty of problems (lower bounds, completeness, difficulty of approximation, etc.)


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