
Rank of a tensor and quantum entanglement. (English) Zbl 07901773

This is a survey aimed to mathematicians or people with a strong mathematical background) of the use of tensor rank, symmetric tensor rank and similar concepts for the study of quantum entanglement with most examples and quoted results for 3-tensors. Even for matrices (and often physicists reduce their problems to the matrix case using flattenings) would find something interesting related to asymptotic rank. The algebraist will find not only the main language of entanglement, but also the norms (nuclear and spectral norms) needed to go from an integer, e.g., the tensor rank, to a real number to measure the quantum entanglement.


14N07 Secant varieties, tensor rank, varieties of sums of powers
15A69 Multilinear algebra, tensor calculus
65K10 Numerical optimization and variational techniques
81P40 Quantum coherence, entanglement, quantum correlations
90C27 Combinatorial optimization


Full Text: DOI


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