
Effects of impulse on prescribed-time synchronization of switching complex networks. (English) Zbl 07838408

Summary: The specified convergence time, designated by the user, is highly attractive for many high-demand applications such as industrial robot control, missile guidance, and autonomous vehicles. For the application of neural networks in the field of secure communication and power systems, the importance of prescribed-time synchronization (PTs) and stable performance of the system is more prominent. This paper introduces a prescribed-time controller without the fractional power function and sign function, which can reach synchronization at a prescribed time and greatly reduce the chattering phenomenon of neural networks. Additionally, by constructing synchronizing/desynchronizing impulse sequences, the PTs of switching complex networks (SCN) is achieved with impulse effects, where the time sequences of switching and impulse occurrences in the networks are constrained by the average dwell time. This approach effectively reduces the impact of frequent mode switching on network synchronization, and the synchronization time can be flexibly adjusted within any physically allowable range to accommodate different application requirements. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy is demonstrated by two examples.


93C27 Impulsive control/observation systems
93D40 Finite-time stability
93B70 Networked control
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