
Interaction of the generalized Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation with a non-minimal coupling under the cosmic rainbow gravity. (English) Zbl 07838305

Summary: In this study, we survey the generalized Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau oscillator containing a non-minimal coupling interaction in the context of rainbow gravity in the presence of the cosmic topological defects in space-time. In this regard, we intend to investigate relativistic quantum dynamics of a spin-0 particle under the modification of the dispersion relation according to the Katanaev-Volovich geometric approach. Thus, based on the geometric model, we study the aforementioned bosonic system under the modified background by a few rainbow functions. In this way, by using an analytical method, we acquire energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions to each scenario. Regardless of rainbow gravity function selection, the energy eigenvalue can present symmetric, anti-symmetric, and symmetry breaking characteristics. Besides, one can see that the deficit angular parameter plays an important role in the solutions.


83-XX Relativity and gravitational theory
53-XX Differential geometry


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