
A sharp interface Lagrangian-Eulerian method for rigid-body fluid-structure interaction. (English) Zbl 07515403

Summary: This paper introduces a sharp interface method to simulate fluid-structure interaction (FSI) involving rigid bodies immersed in viscous incompressible fluids. The capabilities of this methodology are benchmarked using a range of test cases and demonstrated using large-scale models of biomedical FSI. The numerical approach developed herein, which we refer to as an immersed Lagrangian-Eulerian (ILE) method, integrates aspects of partitioned and immersed FSI formulations by solving separate momentum equations for the fluid and solid subdomains, as in a partitioned formulation, while also using non-conforming discretizations of the dynamic fluid and structure regions, as in an immersed formulation. A simple Dirichlet-Neumann coupling scheme is used, in which the motion of the immersed solid is driven by fluid traction forces evaluated along the fluid-structure interface, and the motion of the fluid along that interface is constrained to match the solid velocity and thereby satisfy the no-slip condition. To develop a practical numerical method, we adopt a penalty approach that approximately imposes the no-slip condition along the fluid-structure interface. In the coupling strategy, a separate discretization of the fluid-structure interface is tethered to the volumetric solid mesh via stiff spring-like penalty forces. Our fluid-structure coupling scheme relies on an immersed interface method (IIM) for discrete geometries, which enables the accurate determination of both velocities and stresses along complex internal interfaces. Numerical methods for FSI can suffer from instabilities related to the added mass effect, but computational tests indicate that the methodology introduced here remains stable for selected test cases across a broad range of solid-fluid mass density ratios, including extremely small, nearly equal, equal, and large density ratios. Biomedical FSI demonstration cases include results obtained using this method to simulate the dynamics of a bileaflet mechanical heart valve in a pulse duplicator, and to model transport of blood clots in a patient-averaged anatomical model of the inferior vena cava.


76Mxx Basic methods in fluid mechanics
76Dxx Incompressible viscous fluids
74Fxx Coupling of solid mechanics with other effects


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