
Efficient Boustrophedon multi-robot coverage: An algorithmic approach. (English) Zbl 1185.68744

Summary: This paper presents algorithmic solutions for the complete coverage path planning problem using a team of mobile robots. Multiple robots decrease the time to complete the coverage, but maximal efficiency is only achieved if the number of regions covered multiple times is minimized. A set of multi-robot coverage algorithms is presented that minimize repeat coverage. The algorithms use the same planar cell-based decomposition as the Boustrophedon single robot coverage algorithm, but provide extensions to handle how robots cover a single cell, and how robots are allocated among cells. Specifically, for the coverage task our choice of multi-robot policy strongly depends on the type of communication that exists between the robots. When the robots operate under the line-of-sight communication restriction, keeping them as a team helps to minimize repeat coverage. When communication between the robots is available without any restrictions, the robots are initially distributed through space, and each one is allocated a virtually-bounded area to cover. A greedy auction mechanism is used for task/cell allocation among the robots. Experimental results from different simulated and real environments that illustrate our approach for different communication conditions are presented.


68T40 Artificial intelligence for robotics
11Y16 Number-theoretic algorithms; complexity


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