
Heat kernel coefficients for massive gravity. (English) Zbl 07906060

Summary: We compute the heat kernel coefficients that are needed for the regularization and renormalization of massive gravity. Starting from the Stueckelberg action for massive gravity, we determine the propagators of the different fields (massive tensor, vector and scalar) in a general linear covariant gauge depending on four free gauge parameters. We then compute the non-minimal heat kernel coefficients for all the components of the scalar, vector and tensor sector, and employ these coefficients to regularize the propagators of all the different fields of massive gravity. We also study the massless limit and discuss the appearance of the van Dam-Veltman-Zakharov discontinuity. In the course of the computation, we derive new identities relating the heat kernel coefficients of different field sectors, both massive and massless.
©2024 American Institute of Physics


83C47 Methods of quantum field theory in general relativity and gravitational theory
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field
83C10 Equations of motion in general relativity and gravitational theory


xPerm; xTras; xAct; FieldsX


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