
Deformable micro-continua in which quantum mysteries reside. (English) Zbl 1431.74017

Summary: Deformable micro-continua of highly localized nature are found to exactly exhibit all quantum effects commonly known for quantum entities at microscopic scale. At every instant, the spatial configuration of each such micro-continuum is prescribed by four spatial distributions of the mass, the velocity, the internal stress, and the intrinsic angular momentum. The deformability features of such micro-continua in response to all configuration changes are identified with a constitutive equation that specifies how the internal stress responds to the mass density field. It is shown that these microcontinua are endowed with the following unique response features: (i) the coupled system of the nonlinear field equations governing their dynamic responses to any given force and torque fields is exactly reducible to a linear dynamic equation governing a complex field variable; (ii) this fundamental dynamic equation and this complex field variable are just the Schrödinger equation and the complex wave function in quantum theory; and, accordingly, (iii) the latter two and all quantum effects known for quantum entities are in a natural and unified manner incorporated as the inherent response features of the micro-continua discovered, thus following objective and deterministic response patterns for quantum entities, in which the physical origins and meanings of the wave function and the Schrödinger equation become self-evident and, in particular, any probabilistic indeterminacy becomes irrelevant.


74A99 Generalities, axiomatics, foundations of continuum mechanics of solids
81P05 General and philosophical questions in quantum theory
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