
Classification of hyperbolic singularities of rank zero of integrable Hamiltonian systems. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1205.37072

Sb. Math. 201, No. 8, 1153-1191 (2010); translation from Mat. Sb. 201, No. 8, 63-102 (2010).
Semilocal classification of saddle singularities of integrable Hamiltonian systems is considered. For this aim a certain combinatorial object (an f-graph) is associated with every nondegenerate saddle singularity of rank zero is entered. As a result, the problem of semilocal classification is reduced to the problem of enumeration of the f-graphs. The correspondence between nondegenerate saddle singularities of rank zero and f-graph is based on the following supervision: the operation of direct product of simplest singularities conform to the operation of product of f-graph, and the factorization of direct product of singularities by a free component-wise action of a finite group conform to the analogous factorization of f-graphs. This enables to describe a simple algorithm for obtaining the lists of saddle singularities of rank zero for a given number of degrees of freedom and a given complexity.


37J35 Completely integrable finite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, integration methods, integrability tests
37J05 Relations of dynamical systems with symplectic geometry and topology (MSC2010)
37J15 Symmetries, invariants, invariant manifolds, momentum maps, reduction (MSC2010)
57R45 Singularities of differentiable mappings in differential topology
58K45 Singularities of vector fields, topological aspects
70G40 Topological and differential topological methods for problems in mechanics
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