
Weighted infinitesimal unitary bialgebras on free monoid algebras. (English) Zbl 1493.16054

Throughout, all algebras, coalgebras and modules are taken over a unitary commutative ring \(k\).
In this context, an infinitesimal bialgebra of weight \(\lambda\in k\) is a module \(A\) which is simultaneously an algebra (with multiplication \(\cdot\)) and a coalgebra (with comultiplication \(\Delta\)) such that \[\Delta(ab) = a\cdot \Delta(b) + \Delta(a) \cdot b + \lambda(a\otimes b) \] for all \(a, b\in A\). Note that the authors do not require algebras (resp. coalgebras) to have a unit (resp. a counit): if \(A\) is additionally a unitary algebra, then it is an infinitesimal unitary bialgebra of weight \(\lambda\). (The case when \(A\) is both unitary and counitary, and \(\lambda = 0\), is known to be trivial: see Remark 2.3(2).)
This notion is a generalisation of several other definitions of infinitesimal bialgebras in the literature: references to previous work on the specific cases \(\lambda = 0\) and \(\lambda = -1\) are given in the Introduction, and Remark 2.3(3) explains how to reduce from the case \(\lambda\in k^\times\) to the case \(\lambda = -1\).
Any unitary algebra \(A\) can be made into an infinitesimal unitary bialgebra of weight 0 in a trivial way by setting \(\Delta = 0\). In Example 2.4, the authors list three other known examples with nontrivial coproducts: two of weight 0 (the polynomial algebra \(k[x_1, x_2, \dots]\), and the path algebra \(kQ\) of a quiver \(Q\)) and one of weight -1 (the tensor algebra \(T(V)\) for a \(k\)-module \(V\)).
The main result of §2.2 is Theorem 2.11: if \(M^*\) is the free monoid on the set \(M\), \(kM^*\) is its monoid algebra over \(k\), and \(\lambda \in k\) is arbitrary, then the comultiplication \(\Delta_\varepsilon\) defined recursively by \[ \begin{cases} \Delta_\varepsilon(1) = -\lambda(1\otimes 1),\\ \Delta_\varepsilon(a_1) = 1\otimes 1,\\ \Delta_\varepsilon(a_1 w) = a_1\cdot \Delta_\varepsilon(w) + \Delta_\varepsilon(a_1) \cdot w + \lambda a_1\otimes w, \end{cases}\] (for all \(a_1\in M\) and \(w\in M^*\)) defines the structure of a weighted infinitesimal unitary bialgebra of weight \(\lambda\) on \(kM^*\). This allows the authors to deduce in Theorem 2.19 that this \(kM^*\) has the structure of a pre-Lie algebra, and hence also of a Lie algebra.
An explicit calculation of \(\Delta_\varepsilon(x^n)\) in the simplest nontrivial case, when \(M = \{x\}\) and \(kM^* = k[x]\), is recorded as Example 2.4(5).
In Theorem 3.12, it is shown that (in the special case when \(\lambda = 0\) and \(k\) is a field of characteristic \(0\)) \(kM^*\) may be given a bijective antipode, making it into an infinitesimal unitary Hopf algebra (of weight 0) in the sense of Aguiar, but with a coproduct that appears to be new.


16W99 Associative rings and algebras with additional structure
16T10 Bialgebras
17B60 Lie (super)algebras associated with other structures (associative, Jordan, etc.)
20M05 Free semigroups, generators and relations, word problems
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