
Théorie de l’homotopie. Colloque CNRS-NSF-SMF au C.I.R.M., Luminy, France, du 11 au 15 juillet 1988. (French) Zbl 0721.00021

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. Astérisque, 191. Paris: Société Mathématique de France. 297 p. FF 225.00; $ 41.00 (1990).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually under the abbreviation “Théorie de l’homotopie, Colloq. CNRS-NSF-SMF, Luminy/Fr. 1988, Astérisque 191 (1990)”.
Indexed articles:
Wojtkowiak, Zdzisław, Maps between p-completions of the Clark-Ewing spaces X(W,p,n) [Zbl 0722.55006]
Dror Farjoun, Emmanuel; Smith, J., A geometric interpretation of Lannes’ functor T [Zbl 0723.55006]
Anick, D. J.; Dror Farjoun, Emmanuel, On the space of maps between R-local CW complexes [Zbl 0725.55006]
Avramov, L. L.; Félix, Y., Espaces de Golod. (Golod spaces) [Zbl 0725.55008]
Vigué-Poirrier, Micheline, Homologie de Hochschild et homologie cyclique des algèbres différentielles graduées. (Hochschild homology and cyclic homology of differential graded algebras) [Zbl 0728.19003]
Markl, Martin, The rigidity of Poincaré duality algebras and classification of homotopy types of manifolds [Zbl 0728.55004]
May, J. P., Some remarks on equivariant bundles and classifying spaces [Zbl 0728.55011]
Baker, Andrew, Exotic multiplications on Morava K-theories and their liftings [Zbl 0729.55001]
Brown, Edgar H.; Szczarba, Robert H., Continuous cohomology and real homotopy type. II [Zbl 0731.55008]
Dwyer, William G.; Wilkerson, Clarence W., Spaces of null homotopic maps [Zbl 0731.55009]
Henn, Hans-Werner, Cohomological p-nilpotence criteria for compact Lie groups [Zbl 0732.55012]
Crabb, M. C., The Fuller index and \(\mathbb{T}\)-equivariant stable homotopy theory, 71-86 [Zbl 0735.58007]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
55-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to algebraic topology