
Some remarks on equivariant bundles and classifying spaces. (English) Zbl 0728.55011

Théorie de l’homotopie, Colloq. CNRS-NSF-SMF, Luminy/Fr. 1988, Astérisque 191, 239-253 (1990).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0721.00021.]
Let \(\Pi\) be a normal subgroup of a topological group \(\Gamma\) with quotient group G and let X be a G-space. \({\mathcal B}(\Pi,\Gamma)(X)\) denote the set of equivalence classes of principal (\(\Pi\),\(\Gamma\))-bundles over X. If \(X_ G=EGX_ GX\) is the Borel construction associated to X, then \({\mathcal B}(\Pi,\Gamma)(X_ G)\) denote the set \({\mathcal B}_ G(\Pi,\Gamma)(EG\times X)\). The projection EG\(\times X\to X\) induces a natural map \(\psi\) : \({\mathcal B}_ G(\Pi,\Gamma)(X)\to {\mathcal B}(\Pi,\Gamma)(X_ G).\)
Under certain conditions for \(\Gamma\), \(\Pi\), G, the author establishes that \(\psi\) is a bijection, respectively \(\psi\) is represented by a mod p equivalence of classifying G-spaces. The results are interpretations of other theorems about equivariant classifying spaces.
The paper is very rich in ideas and comments.


55R91 Equivariant fiber spaces and bundles in algebraic topology
55R35 Classifying spaces of groups and \(H\)-spaces in algebraic topology
55R15 Classification of fiber spaces or bundles in algebraic topology


Zbl 0721.00021