
The edge labeling of higher order Voronoi diagrams. (English) Zbl 07925627

Summary: We present an edge labeling of order-\(k\) Voronoi diagrams, \(V_k (S)\), of point sets \(S\) in the plane, and study properties of the regions defined by them. Among them, we show that \(V_k (S)\) has a small orientable cycle and path double cover, and we identify configurations that cannot appear in \(V_k (S)\) for small values of \(k\). This paper also contains a systematic study of well-known and new properties of \(V_k (S)\), all whose proofs only rely on elementary geometric arguments in the plane. The maybe most comprehensive study of structural properties of \(V_k (S)\) was done by D.T. Lee (On \(k\)-nearest neighbor Voronoi diagrams in the plane) in 1982. Our work reviews and extends the list of properties of higher order Voronoi diagrams.


90Cxx Mathematical programming


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