
New applications of random sampling in computational geometry. (English) Zbl 0615.68037

For a set \(X\) and integer \(i\), let \(X^i\) be the set of \(i\)-tuples of \(X\). For a positive integer \(n\), let \(\mathfrak n\) denote the set of integers \(\{1,2,\ldots,n\}\). Let \(b(j;t,\alpha)\) be the probability of \(j\) successes out of \(t\) Bernoulli trials with probability of success \(\alpha\). For region \(A\) and for \(B\) a set of regions (subsets) of \(E^d\), let \(\#(A,B)\) be the number of elements of \(B\) that have nonempty intersection with \(A\). The following theorems are proved:
Theorem 1: Let \(S\) and \(\mathfrak F\) be sets of regions of \(E^d\) with \( |S| = s\). For fixed positive integers \(i\) and \(n\), let \(\nu_k\), \(k\in\mathfrak n\), be a collection of mappings from \(S^i\) to \(\mathfrak F\). Let \(R\) be a random sample of \(S\), of size \(r\), and let \(\mathfrak F_R\) be \(\{\nu_k(R^*)\); \(k\in\mathfrak n\), \(R^*\in R^i\}\) the union of the images of \(R^i\) under the \(\nu_k\)’s. Then for integer \(m\) and \(\alpha\in [0,1]\), with \(m\le (r-i)\alpha\),
\[ \operatorname{Prob}\{\exists A\in\mathfrak F_ R \text{ with } \#(A,R)\le m\text{ and }\#(A,S)>\alpha s\}\le O(r^i)\sum_{j\le m}b(j;r-i,\alpha) \]
as \(r\to \infty\). Similarly, for integer \(m\) and \(\alpha\in [0,1]\) with \(m\ge (r-i)\alpha\),
\[ \operatorname{Prob}\{\exists A\in\mathfrak F_ R \text{ with } \#(A,R)\ge m\text{ and } \#(A,S)<\alpha s\}\le O(r^i)\sum_{j\ge m}b(j;r-i,\alpha) \]
as \(r\to \infty\). When \(m\) is much larger than the mean \(\alpha r\), with high probability, every \(\#(A,R)\) is a good estimate of \(\#(A,S)\).
A \(k\)-set of a set of sites (points) \(S\) in \(E^d\) is a subset of \(S\) of size \(k\) that is all on one side of some hyperplane, while the other sites are all on the other side of the hyperplane.
Theorem 2: Let \(g_{k,3}(s)\) be the maximum total number of \((\le k)\)-sets of any set of \(s\) sites in \(E^3\). Then
\[ g_{k,3}(s) = O(sk^2 \log^8s/(\log \log s)^6) \]
\[ \text{(conjecture}\quad g_{k,d}(s) = O(s^{[d/2]}k^{[d/2]})). \]
Theorem 3: One new algorithm is given for searching an arrangement of \(s\) hyperplanes in \(E^d\) in \(O(s^{d+\varepsilon})\) expected time and \(O(s^{d+\varepsilon})\) worst-case space, so that queries may be answered in \(O(\log s)\) time, as \(s\to \infty\), for fixed \(d\) and for any fixed \(\varepsilon >0\).
Theorem 4: The separation of two polytopes \(A,B\subset E^d\) (minimum distance from a point of one to a point of the other) may be computed in expected time \(O((\vert A)^{[d/2]}+(\vert B)^{[d/2]})\) where \(\vert = \) number of vertices and the expectation is with respect to the random behavior of the algorithm. Several lemmas preceding the theorems are interesting by themselves.


68Q25 Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity
68P10 Searching and sorting
52Bxx Polytopes and polyhedra
52A22 Random convex sets and integral geometry (aspects of convex geometry)




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