
Found 17 Documents (Results 1–17)

Theory of elasticity and thermal stresses. Explanations, problems and solutions. (English) Zbl 1282.74001

Solid Mechanics and Its Applications 197. Dordrecht: Springer (ISBN 978-94-007-6355-5/hbk; 978-94-007-6356-2/ebook). xvi, 789 p. (2013).
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Thermally induced vibration of an inhomogeneous beam due to a cyclic heating. (English) Zbl 1055.74531

Watanabe, Kazumi (ed.) et al., IUTAM symposium on dynamics of advanced materials and smart structures. Proceedings of the IUTAM symposium, Yonezawa, Japan, May 20–24, 2002. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers (ISBN 1-4020-1061-3/hbk). Solid Mech. Appl. 106, 177-186 (2003).
MSC:  74H45 74F05 74K10

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