
Semi-implicit methods for the dynamics of elastic sheets. (English) Zbl 1453.74081

Summary: Recent applications (e.g. active gels and self-assembly of elastic sheets) motivate the need to efficiently simulate the dynamics of thin elastic sheets. We present semi-implicit time stepping algorithms to improve the time step constraints that arise in explicit methods while avoiding much of the complexity of fully-implicit approaches. For a triangular lattice discretization with stretching and bending springs, our semi-implicit approach involves discrete Laplacian and biharmonic operators, and is stable for all time steps in the case of overdamped dynamics. For a more general finite-difference formulation that can allow for general elastic constants, we use the analogous approach on a square grid, and find that the largest stable time step is two to three orders of magnitude greater than for an explicit scheme. For a model problem with a radial traveling wave form of the reference metric, we find transitions from quasi-periodic to chaotic dynamics as the sheet thickness is reduced, wave amplitude is increased, and damping constant is reduced.


74S20 Finite difference methods applied to problems in solid mechanics
74K35 Thin films
74B05 Classical linear elasticity
65M06 Finite difference methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs




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