
Alexander invariants and cohomology jump loci in group extensions. (English) Zbl 07917522

Summary: We study the integral, rational, and modular Alexander invariants, as well as the cohomology jump loci of groups arising as extensions with trivial algebraic monodromy. Our focus is on extensions of the form \(1\to K \to G \to Q \to 1\), where \(Q\) is an Abelian group acting trivially on \(H_1 (K;\mathbb{Z})\), with suitable modifications in the rational and mod-\(p\) settings. We find a tight relationship between the Alexander invariants, the characteristic varieties, and the resonance varieties of the groups \(K\) and \(G\). This leads to an inequality between the respective Chen ranks, which becomes an equality in degrees greater than1for split extensions.


55N25 Homology with local coefficients, equivariant cohomology
14M12 Determinantal varieties
16W70 Filtered associative rings; filtrational and graded techniques
17B70 Graded Lie (super)algebras
20F14 Derived series, central series, and generalizations for groups
20F40 Associated Lie structures for groups
20J05 Homological methods in group theory
57M05 Fundamental group, presentations, free differential calculus
57M07 Topological methods in group theory


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