
Loop blow-up inflation. (English) Zbl 07917505

Summary: We present a new model of string inflation driven by a blow-up Kähler modulus of type IIb compactifications with a potential generated by string loops. Slow-roll is naturally realized thanks to the fact that the blow-up mode is a leading-order flat direction lifted by string loops which are unavoidable and generate a plateau at large field values. We check that throughout the whole inflationary dynamics the effective field theory is under control. We perform a phenomenological analysis determining the exact number of efoldings by studying the post-inflationary evolution. We determine the values of the microscopic parameters which lead to agreement with CMB data, together with the prediction of a tensor-to-scalar ratio of order \(r \sim 10^{-5}\).


81Txx Quantum field theory; related classical field theories
83Exx Unified, higher-dimensional and super field theories
14Jxx Surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties


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