
The quasilocal energy and thermodynamic first law in accelerating AdS black holes. (English) Zbl 07906929

Summary: We scrutinize the conserved energy of an accelerating AdS black hole by employing the off-shell quasilocal formalism, which amalgamates the ADT formalism with the covariant phase space approach. In the presence of conical singularities in the accelerating black hole, the energy expression is articulated through the surface term derived from our formalism. The essence of our analysis of the quasilocal energy resides in the surface contributions coming from the conical singularities as well as the conventional radial boundary. Consequently, the resultant conserved quasilocal energy naturally conforms the thermodynamic first law for the black hole without necessitating any augmentation of thermodynamic variables.


81-XX Quantum theory
83-XX Relativity and gravitational theory


black holes


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